Page 87 of Gangsters and Guns

“Yes,” Rory replies, perking up as she takes another step in. “Rory. Your munchkin.”

“Munchkin…” The word rolls off his tongue, sounding as foreign as if he’d spoken another language.

I can’t see her facial expression as she walks closer to him, but by the sound of her voice, she’s happy and a little surprised. “Yes. Your sister. Your munchkin.”

“My sister…” His voice trails off again, and he jerks his head as if he’s only now realizing someone is in the room talking to him. His eyes focus on her, and rage spreads across his face. “My sister is dead!”

“No!” she cries when he reaches for the lamp, pulls it from the wall, and smashes it to the ground.

“My sister is dead! My parents are dead! Why the fuck do you keep bothering me?”

Rory flinches as he takes a step toward her. “Mitchel. I’m your sister.”

He screams and bends down, gripping the bed frame as if he’s trying to flip it, but it looks to be bolted to the floor.

“Get the fuck out of here!” he bellows, his face reddening as he snatches a cup of water and throws it at her. “Leave me alone! I just want to be alone! They never” —he pounds his fists into the wall— “ever” —he smashes them into his nightstand hard enough to dent the wood— “leave me alone!”

“I just want to help you,” Rory pleads as she backs up next to me.

“Then go and kill yourself, you stupid bitch!” he roars, just as the nurses run in.

Panting, Betty pulls Rory from the room as Mitchel shouts obscenities at the nurses. It takes three men to restrain and sedate him.

“Ms. O’Brien,” Betty begins, holding Rory by the shoulders, “maybe it’s best if you don’t visit anymore. Every time you come, he turns into this monster and ends up hurting himself and us. Maybe it’s time to let him go.”

Betty looks sadly at Rory, then leaves to help the others, shutting the door in Rory’s face. Her dark hair covers her features, not allowing me to see her expression. It’s almost as if she’s too stunned to move.

I stand motionless, unsure what to do. I don’t want to presume she desires comfort, but I also don’t want to seem like an emotionless asshole.

Then she sniffs, and the decision is made for me.

I pull her into my arms and wrap her up as tightly as I can, resting my head on top of hers. Sometimes words just get in the way, and all you really need is for someone to be there for you and actually show they care.

I plan on being there for Ms. O’Brien for the rest of her life, even when she doesn’t want me to be.