Page 49 of Gangsters and Guns

I have to think about not letting my jaw drop, because that’s exactly what it wants to do. After the shit day she’s probably had, after what we’ve put her through, and what she saw starting the day with Maddox breaking a man’s nose…she does this?

She takes care of me?

I know she probably doesn’t even understand what this gesture means to a person like me. People do things for me all the time…out of fear. No one wants the Brain hounding them down. But this? This was out of kindness as one person to another who’s had a long fucking day.

When I don’t say anything simply because I’m dumbstruck, her cheeks redden, and I can tell she’s embarrassed, maybe wondering if she’s overstepped.

She bites her lip and clasps her hands in front of her. “Well. Okay then. I’ll just be uhh…waiting in my office if you need me.”

“Wait!” I call as she turns to leave. Clearing my throat, I lower my voice and ask, “Would you care to join me?” I rifle through the bags, pulling out the token white containers. “There’s enough food in here for two.”

“Sure,” she responds, shrugging her shoulders.

This should be interesting.

“Let’s go sit somewhere more comfortable.” Rising from my desk chair, I grab the food and gesture with my head for her to follow me. She does, like a good little kitten, as I head to the high table next to the window, overlooking the city.

After placing the containers down, I pull out her chair for her and motion for her to sit. “Thanks,” she says a little awkwardly as her tiny ass basically has to climb up the chair.


I smile across the table, trying to disarm her a bit. “You’re welcome,” I reply before heading to the kitchenette at the back of my office, grabbing some paper plates, plastic forks, and napkins. I also get a couple of bottled waters from my fridge before coming back.

Rory has opened all the containers and looks at them eagerly. She slips a black band off her wrist then begins to pull all her dark hair up into a ponytail, letting me see her face unobstructed for the first time.

She is magnificent.

The contours of her jaw are so feminine and soft, and her high cheekbones are red from makeup or blushing. Her lips are full and plump and slightly open, making me want to suck one into my mouth and taste her.

She glances up to find me staring, but I don’t try to hide it. Instead, I relish the flush that creeps up her neck, wondering how far down her chest it goes.

One day…

One day, I’ll fucking find out, and it will be the best fucking day of my life.

Walking purposely back over to my table, I set down the cutlery. “So, how was your day, Ms. O’Brien?” I say her name seductively, letting it roll off my tongue like sweet honey.

She blows out a puff of air and snatches a plate. “It was…interesting.”

“How so?” Grabbing a carton of moo goo, I fork some onto my plate, then I take a generous portion of white rice and two eggrolls. Her green eyes flick to me, and my heart skips a beat. Her gaze is so haunting, her bright eyes shrouded by years of pain and misery. What happened to her to cause her eyes to harbor such sorrow?

And what can I do to make it better?

You can read a lot from a person’s gaze. Inside their eyes, you can find anger and lust, sadness and regret. But her eyes hold so much more than that. I could get lost within them, winding down a pathway with no end, swimming deep into an ocean with no bottom.

A ravine filled with secrets…secrets I ache to know.

But something tells me once I’m in the clutches of this woman, lost for all time, that I won’t want to be found. That I’ll risk my life to die in her sultry gaze, to see the sorrow melt away to happiness, the pain becoming her ecstasy.

She peeks around to make sure no one can overhear us, and then she leans over the table, lowering her voice. “My bosses? Well, they’re kind of bossy. But don’t tell them I told you that.”

I can’t help but belt out a laugh at her forwardness. “You don’t say?” I retort, playing along. “Bunch of assholes, are they?”

She nods, chewing a bite of food. “At least one of them.”

Smiling to myself, I suddenly feel very warm and reach up to loosen my tie. I watch her gaze as it follows my fingers, landing on the platinum ring on my right hand. Enjoying having this woman look at me like a piece of fucking steak, I remove the tie with gusto then unbutton my suit jacket.

Standing, I shrug out of the jacket and hang it off the back of the chair next to me. The cufflinks come off, and I place them on the table, letting the diamonds inside them glitter in the light from the chandelier above our heads, and then I begin rolling up the sleeves on my dress shirt.