Page 160 of Gangsters and Guns

Chapter Sixty-Three


Staring at myself in the mirror, I’m giddy with excitement, and I don’t get giddy easily. Dressed in all black, I slip the ski mask over my face and adjust it. The dark fabric covers my entire head, showing only my eyes and mouth.

Tonight is the night, and I can’t wait for the hunt to begin. I’ve never been as excited to kidnap someone as I am at this moment. I’ve timed everything perfectly down to the millisecond—my prey can’t escape me now. Not that she ever could. Some souls are just destined to be together, bound on some primal level that neither person can deny, even if they tried. That is the epitome of my relationship with my hellcat.

She’s my other half, the neuron to my proton. My entire life, I never thought I’d find the person who completed me. Hell, even when I heard that line, I thought it was corny as fuck.

But it’s true.

Oh God, it’s true.

Though she’s only been in my life for a few weeks, I don’t know how I could ever go on living without her. I wouldn’t want to exist in a world where she’s not with me.

Luckily for me, I don’t have to.

She chose me—us—the Dixens over everyone else, and I couldn’t be more proud to have her by my side.

However, tonight she might not feel the same. She has no idea what’s coming, though I saw suspicion in her eyes when she read the note I’d left her. She’s used to us bossing her around, so when I told her to be sure she showered before she went to bed and to sleep naked, she did so without question. I know because I tapped into the cameras in her apartment just to make sure she obeyed me.

And she has.

Right now, she’s lying naked in her bed with the sheets pooling at her hips and her dark hair spread around her like a gothic sun. My brothers are out for the night, allowing me to have some privacy with my prey, because tonight, that’s exactly what she is.

After taking a deep breath, I check my backpack to ensure I have all the proper equipment, then I sling it over my shoulder before heading out the door. I don’t bother locking up because we’ll be back here soon enough. Plus, it’s highly unlikely that someone could break in. They’d have to get past the doorman and find a keycard that allows them higher than the lower floors. Besides, no one would fucking dare…

I think the entire city now knows not to fuck with the Dixens, especially after the example we made out of Charles.

The apartment door shuts quietly behind me, and I head down one floor to her apartment. My palms are clammy, even under the black gloves that cover my hands, as I flash my keycard and the door unlocks.

It’s precisely three AM, and the world sleeps on, even as I’m wide awake. I’ve downed enough coffee to keep me up for several days at this point, biding my time until I could make my move.

Stepping through her door, I shut it softly and consider how easy it was to get in here. Too easy. It’s one of the reasons I don’t want to keep her here much longer.

My booted feet make soft sounds as I pad through the living room, trying to be as quiet as possible. Reaching into my bag, I pull out a bone and have it ready to go in case Mischief wakes up. But usually, his lazy ass just stays asleep.

Some guard dog he is.

Creeping down her hallway, I ease her door open and gaze down at my goddess, my throat clogging with emotion. How the fuck did I become the lucky bastard to win her heart? It’s almost too much at times, her devotion to us. I can see the love in her eyes when she looks at me or my brothers. Her emerald orbs glimmer with it.

I haven’t told her yet, but I think she knows how much I care about her, though I need to find the balls to just come out and say it. Love is funny. I can kill a man without a second thought, I can bring a city to its knees with a few simple words, but saying how I feel seems almost impossible. Because it’s so vast, constantly growing and changing, I can’t even begin to put into pretty words the extent of my love for her.

My time will come, and so will Rory, tonight, over and over again.

I walk around her room, remaining as silent as possible, pulling open the shades to allow the moonlight to filter in and add some illumination with the help of the nightlights. Now that I can see better, I spot Mischief lying at the foot of the bed, peering up at me. I lift my mask, letting him see that it’s me, then place the bone by his nose before covering my face again. He doesn’t even sniff it. I’m pretty sure he was asleep before he even laid his head back down. I just hope he doesn’t take this moment to let out one of those infamous Mischief farts, that shit could kill an enemy army.

My eyes drift back to the gorgeous woman sleeping soundlessly. Her lips are parted, her eyes are moving behind her closed lids, and her hand rests gently next to her head, tucked into strands of her damp hair. Her perfect breasts are on display, and I have the intense urge to suck one of her nipples into my mouth and graze it with my teeth until she gasps, until her fingers tug at my hair, until she writhes for me, begging for me to stop and keep going all at once.

But I can be patient.

I’ve gone over this moment in my head. I just hope I don’t push her too far.

Reaching into my bag, I pull out my knife and open it, then I make my move. Quickly, I flip her onto her stomach and leap onto her body, straddling her ass with my legs. I grip her hair in one hand and pull her head back as she gasps, waking up. My knife is there in an instant, pressed against her stretched throat.

“Don’t fucking move,” I growl into her ear, deepening my voice as she gasps. “Don’t scream. Don’t fucking talk. Do exactly as I say, and you won’t get hurt. Tap the bed if you understand.”

I can hear her breath quicken, and her fear is evident in the slight tremor of her body pressed against mine, but she taps the bed with her hand.