Page 116 of Gangsters and Guns

He’s dying.

Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.

“What the fuck?” someone shouts, and my head jerks up.

Standing in the open doorway are the Dixen brothers. All three stare at me in a mixture of shock and concern. I scramble backwards, away from the now dead man, panting heavily. “He attacked me. He followed me from an apartment downstairs. Oh God. I panicked! H-He had a gun. He was going to kill me. I killed him,” I blurt out.

They share a look and step farther into the apartment. “Are you okay?” Maddox questions. I nod, my gaze going back to the corpse.

“Good, that’s all that matters.” Rogan sighs, propping his hands on his hips as he looks around.

“What are you even doing here?” I shriek, noticing the blood all over me.

Alistair grins and steps over the body, then hauls me to my feet, uncaring of the blood. I step away, hands shaking as I look from the guys to the corpse, which they’re ignoring right now. “We missed you, so we came back early as soon as our meetings were finished.”

“I killed someone,” I exclaim again, because they don’t seem to understand, and he grins.

“I see that.” He winks.

Not getting any sense out of him, I look at Maddox and Rogan. Maddox’s face is thunderous, but he’s not angry at me, more frustrated at the body he’s glaring at. It almost looks as if he’s wondering if he can kill him again. Rogan is tapping his chin. “Don’t worry, Hellcat, we’ll sort it out.” He looks at Alistair then. “Start cleaning. Maddox, you’re on body duty. I’ll check the system and erase his tracks so it can’t be tied back to us.” They snap into action, planning the best way to get rid of the body and cover up the murder.

They don’t even blink or question if they should turn me in. They see a problem, so they fix it. They don’t even seem to care I’m a murderer.

Maddox points at me. “You’re with me.”

I swallow but nod, needing to get out of here anyway. Away from the blood staining me and the puddle that’s slowly growing on the floor. I’m just thankful Mischief wasn’t here. Alistair whistles as he heads to the kitchen, while Maddox strips off his coat and hands it to me.

“Put it on,” he snarls.

I do as I’m told, slipping my hands through the leather and zipping it up to hide my ripped, stained clothes. I inhale a deep lungful of his woodsy scent as he grabs the rug and starts to wrap the body in it. Without a second thought, he hoists it onto his shoulder, turns away, and exits the apartment, leaving me staring after him.

“Go on, Rory, we’ve got this,” Rogan assures me and pushes me gently after Maddox. Shaking and in shock, I follow after Maddox as we go to get rid of a body.

Oh God, what has my life turned into?