Page 105 of Gangsters and Guns

Chapter Forty-One


It’s Monday, and I’m so fucking happy to be out of that office. Yesterday was crazy, and today was no better. I’ve just gotten home from work and poured myself a glass of whiskey when the door to our apartment opens and Alistair rushes inside.

“Did you get it?” I ask, grabbing a second cup to pour him some too.

“You doubt me?” he teases with a smile, pulling the laptop out of his bag—Rory’s laptop. The rose gold MacBook Air gleams as he sits it on the island.

“Good job, Ali,” I praise, patting him on the back.

His expression turns serious as I hand him the glass. “You really think she’s up to something?”

“We all have our secrets,” I reply, taking the laptop over to the dining room table where I sit it next to mine. “She’s just not entitled to hers any longer. She works for us now, her secrets are now ours to keep.”

I open hers and mine, then connect them with a USB before I get to work. There’s a certain high I gain from going through her computer and checking out her search history. At first glance, I find nothing exciting or even alarming. Seems she’s being professional and not using it for personal purposes.


“Find anything?” Alistair inquires, pulling a chair next to mine.

I shake my head. “No, but I will. She can’t hide from me.”

“How do you know she wants to?” he counters.

Hmm. I guess I never thought of that.

“Would you want me to know all your secrets, brother?” I argue as I pull software from my computer to hers, implanting tracking software, spyware, and installing a remote override, so I can turn on her microphone and camera whenever I wish.

I upload some new apps, including spreadsheets, an arcade, one for streaming movies—which I even load with our log-in—and one more.

“What’s that one?” Ali questions, pointing to the app with a yellow background and the purple eggplant emoji.

I smile at him. “Something so we can have a little fun.”

Alistair leans closer, narrowing his eyes before busting out into laughter. It’s good to hear that laugh, so carefree and real. “Does that say Pornicopia under it?”

“It does. When Ms. O’Brien opens it, we’ll be able to log into her computer remotely and see what she’s looked through.”

“What makes you think she’s into that kind of thing?” Ali asks, taking a sip of his whiskey.

I shrug. “Who’s not? Everyone watches porn. And if they don’t, it’s only because they’ve never given it a try or they’re lying about it. Who doesn’t like to see naked women?”

“Truth,” Ali agrees on a laugh, clinking his glass with mine.

We drink together, the burn of the whiskey making me feel alive. “Besides, I think Rory is much more like us than she even realizes. There’s a darkness to her I think she hasn’t explored yet, and I intend to help her do just that.”

As we drink, the apartment door opens and Maddox storms in, wearing the usual frown on his face.

“Whatcha so happy for, Maddy?” Alistair goads. “Stop fucking smiling all the time.”

Maddox rolls his eyes and snatches Alistair’s drink, pouring the entire fucking thing down his throat. “Find anything?” he asks, after slamming the glass down.

“Not yet…” After cracking my knuckles, I dive in deeper, looking for anything. My heart begins to race when I find a single deleted email, but just as I click on it, Alistair reaches over and hits the delete button.

“Dammit, Ali! What did you do that for?” I exclaim, punching him in the arm.

“Because, Rogie, we all deserve to have our secrets.” Alistair stands, takes his empty glass from the table, and then pours himself another healthy portion. He lifts his glass in a salute motion, then saunters off to his section of the apartment.