Page 62 of Gangsters and Guns

With my hair still damp from my shower, I fling it out of my eyes and step into the elevator, anxious to see her reaction to my arrival.

Will she be happy?


A little turned on maybe?

I know what power does to people, to men and women. It changes them. A man who isn’t physically attractive when poor is seen in an entirely new light once money is involved. Perception is everything. And my brothers and me? We have it all.

Good looks and copious amounts of money.

We’re lucky fucking bastards.

Well…I’m the bastard, but you know what I mean.

The elevator dings, and the doors slide open. The first door on the right is hers. I stand in front of it, deciding if I should just let myself in or if I should knock first.

It seems I’ve already been found out, though, as a little black nose peeks under the door and begins to sniff at me.


I love that fucking dog.

He’s just so damn cute.

I plan on making him love me more than he loves her by winning him over with treats, because that’s the way to any male’s heart—food.

“Mischief! Get away from there!” Rory calls, sounding muffled from the door.

Shrugging, I decide to let myself in. After placing my keycard on the scanner, it beeps, and the lock clicks open. Smiling to myself, I push the door open.

Rory screams when she sees me, probably thinking I’m a robber or something, and drops the glass in her hand. It shatters all over the floor. Maybe I should have pulled the hood of my hoodie off my head, but it’s just so cozy inside.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Ali—umm…Mr. Dixen?” she says, seething. I don’t respond at first, just taking a long moment to appreciate all that is Rory O’Brien. Her hair is still bound in a towel, and the scent of her shampoo and floral body wash is permeating her apartment. A white robe is tied around her waist, and she wears fuzzy pink slippers on her feet.


I hold up the pizza and bottle of cheap alcohol. “I brought a peace offering.”

She frowns. “Gas station pizza and Mad Dog? What do you think this is? A Friday night high school party after the football game?”

“Maybe?” I reply with a grin, walking farther into the room so I can set my goodies down on the island. Spinning to my left, I open the utility closet and pull out a broom and dustpan.

“Hey, I didn’t even know that was there,” she snaps, her hands on her hips.

“Well, now you do.” I get to work sweeping up the broken shards of glass, not wanting the smallest bit to embed in her feet, or Mischief’s for that matter. After sweeping up the large chunks, I grab the cordless Dyson and vacuum, ensuring the mess is cleaned up. Luckily for me, the wine glass was empty. Looks like she was on her way into the kitchen for a refill when I barged in.

Working up a sweat, I dump the glass into the garbage can, then reach for the hem of my hoodie. I watch her eyes as she stares, her pupils dilating as I lift the hoodie over my head, revealing my bare torso beneath it.


I’m totally topless and not the least bit bothered by it. I was hoping clothing would be removed tonight, mainly hers though, but it seems I’m going first.

She’s immediately flustered, storming back into the kitchen to get herself another glass. “Thanks for the pizza, you can leave now,” she tells me. Her back is pressed against the window just beyond the kitchen, the lights from the city blazing behind her.

“Oh, but I just got here,” I say, feigning insult by pressing my hand to my chest. “You hurt my feelings, Rory.”

“And you ignore mine. So I guess we’re even,” she retorts with a smug grin.