Page 35 of Gangsters and Guns

Back in the trailer, I didn’t even have an oven or a stove, just an electric hot plate that barely got warm enough to fry an egg.

A double oven and microwave sit to the right of that. Across from the stove is a massive island encircled by barstools. Contrasting the white kitchen, the island is a dark gray. The sink is huge and has a fancy fucking faucet. I didn’t even know kitchens could be sexy…but damn.

Pulling open some of the cabinets, I find them completely filled, stacked neatly with white cups, plates, and bowls. A fancy coffee machine sits in one corner, and I just pray it has directions on how to work it because a hot cup of coffee sounds amazing right now.

After shutting the cabinets, I look around for the fridge but don’t see one. That can’t be right.

I open everything, noting the various appliances, pots and pans, crazy mixers and blenders, and even one of those new air fryer things.

Finally, I rip open the last cabinet door, and inside is the fridge. I do a double take. The fridge actually looks just like one of the cabinets from the outside. How cool is that?

It’s completely stocked. Fresh fruits and vegetables are neatly placed in the drawers. The meat drawer is also full with chicken, pork, and a few packs of bacon.

A gallon of milk and another of apple juice grabs my attention. But what really makes me happy is the built-in water and ice machine. I always hated having to fill the ice cube trays, and I’d usually forget so I never had ice, which pissed me off.

Moving through the kitchen, I see a Post-it note stuck to the side of the island. Scribbled on it are the words,Push me.Curious, I press on the cabinet then back up when a set of dog bowls rolls out from under it, already filled with food and water.

“Mischief, come here, boy!” I call, and he trots over, lapping eagerly at the water before scarfing down his meal, his stub of a tail wagging cheerfully. “So fucking cool,” I mutter, patting his back before standing up.

Facing the wall of windows are two other areas. To the left, nestled in the corner, is a glass dining room table surrounded by four chairs, even though it could easily seat eight. Above that is a massive crystal chandelier with what looks like a hundred lights on it.

Place settings are proudly displayed, the soft gray dinnerware lined with a strip of silver around the edges. Several forks, knives, and spoons are at each chair, and I wonder what the fuck they all do. Three different glasses are also given to each setting. Like…how much food do these people eat? And should I be expecting guests?

To the right of the table is a huge, white leather couch. A glass coffee table sits before that, and a tray rests in the middle where I see another brilliant yellow Post-it note waiting for me.

I pick up the two remotes, not seeing a TV. Curious, I snatch up the note and read it.

For the TV, push the green button on the gray remote.

Dropping the black one, I push the green button as instructed and gasp when blinds descend from the ceiling and rise from the floors to cover the windows, blanketing the apartment in darkness. Then, an enormous white screen lowers from the ceiling, and I realize it’s a projection screen.

A fucking projection screen.

Can this place get any better?

I press the green button again, not really interested in the TV, and watch it all open back up. Placing the remotes on the table, I strut over to the hallway by the entrance. Down it, I find two more doors. The first one opens up to a powder room that is almost as big as my entire living room in the trailer. Lit sconces sit on either side of a huge mirror overlooking a marble counter with a raised glass bowl sink.

Shutting the door, I head to the last one at the end of the hallway and push it open. I gasp when I see what’s behind it. The most beautiful bedroom awaits me.

A huge canopy bed, draped in red fabric, takes up the back wall. Layers of crimson bedding with over a dozen pillows make up the bed, and I have the strongest urge to run and jump onto it like a kid enjoying a freshly raked pile of leaves.

The entire left wall is all windows, just like in the living room. In front of them is a seating area with two, white furred chairs and a glass table between them. I see similar remotes on the tables and imagine they do the same thing as the living room.

An arched doorway draws my attention near the far right corner. When I make my way through it, my eyes widen at the luxurious bathroom. Chandeliers hang over double sinks sprawled out on one wall, with jeweled mirrors under them. Another hangs over a massive, clawfoot tub with more dials than I know what to do with. The entire back wall is a marble tiled shower with two rain showerheads and two handheld wands.

I don’t know why I would need two of them, but I guess maybe they just like to show off, adding more just because they can rather than out of necessity.

Every surface gleams and sparkles with more marble than I could possibly imagine. The knobs on the cabinets are crystals, matching the kitchen. Even the toilet is fancy, with a bidet to clean my ass.

Holy fuck, it’s entirely overwhelming.

Another note waits for me, resting on the counter stuck to a little prescription box. I pick it up and read it in disgust. It’s fucking birth control. The bastards want to control my fucking periods too? I consider throwing the pack of pills out, then think twice about it. Maybe I shouldn’t be so mad about this. It would be nice to know exactly when it’s coming and not have to carry tampons around for days wondering when Aunt Flow is going to rear her ugly, crimson head, which is always at the most inappropriate times.

Heading back into my room, I see another archway, again with no door, and enter through it to find a massive dressing room filled with clothes.

Organized by color, style, and season are racks upon racks of clothes. Blouses, dresses, jeans, slacks, suits, and more. I pull open the drawers and find matching bra and panty sets that are a little more risqué than I’d prefer. A note with sprawling, looping handwriting waits for me inside. It reads,Feel free not to wear any panties at all. I’d much rather enjoy a view of that perky ass.

Fucking Alistair. I’d bet my life on it.