Page 20 of Gangsters and Guns

“Easy?” I scoff. “If they murdered someone, what do you think they will do if they figure out I’m spying on them?”

“Then don’t let them,” he replies with so much nonchalance, I just want to slap him across his smug fucking face. “Your life is on the line here, Rory. I’m handing you a get out of jail free card. An offer like this won’t come around twice. You say no, and you will go away for a long time, your brother will die, and so will your dog. I’ll make sure of it.”

I flinch and drop my eyes to the table as my mind whirls, trying to think about the offer. The room is silent until Bronson sighs, his chair scraping against the floor and startling me. I bring my head up and notice he’s standing.

“I’ll let you think on this.” He gathers his file. “But remember, the longer you take to decide, the sooner your brother will be kicked out and the more your dog will suffer.” He leaves, slamming the door behind him.

I’m escorted straight through the station. My eyes widen, wondering where we’re going. I’m dragged outside and up into a small cramped bus. Once there, the doors shut and we quickly pull away. I stare out of the window, listening to the clattering of inmates’ restraints, wondering what is happening. Where are we going? The journey isn’t long and when we pull up outside South Bay House of Correction, I know what Bronson is doing. He’s trying to scare me, sending me to jail to give me a taste of what my life is going to be like after I’ve turned him down. I’m searched again before being escorted to another cell, this one slightly different than the holding cell. The floor is a depressing gray tile, and a dirty toilet sits in the corner next to a tiny sink. A small, barred window is placed high on the back wall above a bed. The bed is almost like a shelf built into the wall with a single pillow and blanket on it.

Sinking to the bed, I finally cry for real.

What am I going to do?