Page 166 of Gangsters and Guns

Chapter Sixty-Four



Waking up in Rogan’s bed makes me smile, and I’m not a morning person. I’m curled up around him with my head resting on his chest and one leg thrown over his body. His arm is around me, holding me against him as he breathes softly. The sheets are nowhere to be found, most likely in a heap on the floor, leaving him naked for my enjoyment.

Rogan is perfection, every inch of him cultivated muscle, from his broad chest with a smattering of dark hair to his toned abs and muscular legs. But all I’m looking at is his dick. Even soft, that thing is menacing, and it reminds me of how delicious it feels between my legs.

Speaking of…

A pleasant ache throbs within me, and every inch of my body is sore from last night. My clit feels swollen, my nipples are red and tender, and my thighs are depleted as if I ran a fucking marathon. Even my wrists hurt—probably going to bruise, but I can’t fucking wait for that.

It’s glorious. Every ache is a reminder of how much fun we had together. I never expected something like that from him. I mean, sure, I know he likes to dominate in the bedroom, but to role play like that and fulfill a fantasy I’ve only recently discovered about myself?

Fucking epic.

It makes me love him that much more.


I used to bristle at that word, but now I just relish it, knowing I’m one lucky bitch. Needing to use the bathroom, I try to untangle myself from his grasp, but my subtle movements wake him up.

“Good morning, Hellcat,” he says on a yawn, pulling me on top of him as he links his hands behind me. “How did you sleep?”

“Is that what you call what happened last night?” I tease with a laugh.

He smiles, melting my fucking heart, and those whiskey eyes tell me what his lips have yet to reveal. Closing the gap between us, I kiss his lips softly, then whisper in his ear, “I have to pee,” as seductively as possible.

Laughing, he rolls me over and straddles me, pinning my arms by the sides of my head. Rogan steals a kiss of his own and nips at my neck before letting me up. As I run off to the bathroom, he swats my ass, making me yelp, even as I smile.


I could get used to this.

As I’m peeing, I hear a noise coming from his bedroom. Is that…Christmas music? Quickly wiping and washing my hands, I walk back out to find Rogan dancing around his room wearing a Santa hat, only a Santa hat, while belting out “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town.”

“What in the world are you doing?” I ask, laughing as he plays an air guitar to the song.

“It’s Christmas.” He shrugs. “And I’m fucking Santa. Well, actually, you were fucking Santa, but you know what I mean.”

He beckons me to him, and I slowly walk over as he spins me against his body and makes me dance. We smile and laugh, dancing like no one should to a Christmas song, just a couple of naked idiots high on life.

And it’s wonderful.

The song ends and Rogan lifts off his hat and places it on my head before kissing my forehead. “I have a surprise for you, Hellcat.”

“Oh?” I purr, kissing his chest. “And what is this surprise?”

“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise,” he answers. “Christmas only comes once a year, you know.”

Holy shit. It’s Christmas today.

It’s been so long since I’ve celebrated it that it’s not even an important date anymore. Anxiety threatens to suffocate me. I didn’t get them anything.

“I-I don’t—” I stutter out, but Rogan stifles my words with a soft kiss.

“Will you just shut up for once and let us spoil you?” he asks with a smile, pulling the hat down over my eyes as he reaches around to spank my ass.