Page 153 of Gangsters and Guns

Chapter Fifty-Nine


His eyes narrow at her voice, then scan across us as our guards stand in a line on either side of us. Their gazes are hard, their bodies are harder, and they hold their guns in their hands, not even trying to hide them. We don’t need to. Right now, he isn’t a cop, he’s a fucking threat, and he needs to know he isn’t untouchable. At any moment, we can end his life, but we are choosing not to because he’s more useful alive, and once he knows what we’ve discovered, he will never come for our girl again.

Stepping to her side, I cross my arms and tower over her as I glare at him, but he seems more worried about her right now. Good, he should be. I may be a cold-blooded killer, but my pet? She’s a fucking vicious bitch, and it’s about time everyone else saw that.

“What is this?” he calls worriedly. “We had a deal, an understanding, and you broke it. You’re going to jail for a long fucking time.” He laughs.

“Yeah, I don’t think so,” she retorts and snaps her fingers, and Rogan passes her the folder. She throws it, and it lands at Bronson’s feet.

“What the fuck is this?” he demands.

“Read it. I think you may find it interesting. I know I did,” Rory replies, folding her arms under her chest. He narrows his eyes but reaches down, scoops it up, and flips through it. We watch in fascination as his eyes widen and his face drains of color as he reads.

Stepping closer, she laughs. “Got you, asshole. You know what’s worse than a cruel cop?” she hisses. “A dirty one.”

“How?” he whispers, looking up at us.

“We have our ways,” Rogan responds.

“And now you have a choice,” Alistair adds.

“A choice,” Rory repeats, “to walk away, run actually, and never look back, or die here.”

He scoffs. “I’ll destroy you—”

She snarls, “Are you not fucking listening, asshole? We know everything. We know Charles paid you to kill Marvin, a man who was coming to you with evidence on the very man you’re on the payroll of, to prove there was a dirty cop in your precinct. He just trusted the wrong one. You killed him in cold blood to protect your employer. You’re no better than us. You took blood money, you betrayed your oath and the people who trust you to protect them…for what? A bigger house? Jewels for your wife? Speaking of, if you choose this path, know she’ll find out everything. I’ll tell her myself how you killed that man, how you tried to frame us. How you’re Charles’s little bitch, and even how you’re cheating on her with sex workers. You will have nothing.”

He gapes, open-mouthed, and she laughs again, taking a step closer to him. “You fucked with the wrong people, Bronson,” she chides. “They say the guiltiest people have the most to hide… I wonder what else we would find on you if we had another hour, another day. Your reputation will be gone, and this city will learn just how seriously their detectives take their job. So, Bronson, you have a choice.” She specifically leaves ‘detective’ off of his name, and I can’t help but chuckle.

“What choice?” he growls. “If I leave, Charles will kill me, and if I stay, you’ll kill me!”

I step forward. “We’ll deal with Charles. You have twenty-four hours to get out of our city. If we so much as see you again or hear about you, we’ll kill you. We have spies all over, we’ll know.”

“And don’t you ever come at our girl again. You don’t call her or look at her. You forget her name and drop the charges. You are to leave the city and your job immediately, or everyone will know you’re a dirty cop, and we want anything you have on Charles,” I snarl. He swallows, knowing he might have set this trap for us and for our girl, but he’s the one caught inside of it.

“Now,” I yell, pulling my gun and pointing it at him, making sure his eyes are trained on my weapon as I slide the safety off.

He has no choice. Stay, and he dies, and his legacy will be ruined. His family too. If he leaves, he stands a chance. He can start over somewhere else, although he will never be a cop again, but he won’t lose his family. He has a chance to right his wrong, which is better than he deserves for killing Marvin. For betraying the badge.

“You won’t kill Charles, you won’t even get close,” Bronson mumbles, sounding defeated.

“We don’t need to, we’re going to do so much worse. You have five seconds,” I warn. “Your choice.” He shakes his head and draws his gun. I tighten my finger on the trigger, but all he does is toss it to the ground with his badge. Then he throws his phone over and a USB from his back pocket.

“I always kept this in case, for insurance. It has everything you need, take it. It’s not worth my life,” he snarls.

“Go, now, before I change my mind,” I tell him, jerking the gun to show I mean it.

Not willing to risk his life and clearly not wanting to be in our presence anymore, he rushes into his car. Fumbling with the keys before his engine turns on, Bronson peels away as fast as he can. We could have destroyed him, could have ruined his life, killed him, and he knows it. I can almost smell his fear lingering in the air.

“You’re free,” I announce with a grin as she watches him squeal away. His tires burn into the ground, leaving a reminder of the bad choices he made that led him to this moment…the ones that left him staring down a gangster’s gun. “There’s nothing binding you to us anymore,” I murmur.

Alistair sucks in a breath, while Rogan winces, but I have to know. I have to know that shechoosesus, not that shehasto be with us. I can’t continue this with her if I don’t know the truth. She turns and looks up at me with a frown, her eyes narrowed, and my cock hardens at the fury in those emerald depths. The garage is empty now, our guards and Bronson long gone. We should leave, but I can’t without an answer.

“Why the fuck would I do that?” she snaps. “I belong with you. I’m a Dixen, remember? You said so yourself.” She turns to face me fully. “You’re stuck with me, all of you, so you better get used to it.” With that, she flips her hair over her shoulder, turns, and prowls back to the car. Rory opens the door and climbs in before looking at us, gripping the handle.

“Coming, boys?” she calls before shutting the door.

You bet we are. The three of us hurry after her, racing to get to her first as she laughs. Once inside, the engine purrs as our driver starts the car, and Rory looks out of the window.

“There’s one condition though,” she hedges.

“Anything,” Alistair immediately answers.

Seeming nervous now, she meets our eyes. “You help me with my brother?”