Page 151 of Gangsters and Guns

Chapter Fifty-Eight


Iwake up early, even before the guys, who are snoring around me. Alistair’s head is buried in my chest, and his hand rests on my breast like a security blanket. Maddox’s leg and arm pin me down, to him, to them. It’s reassurance for Maddox that even in my sleep, I can’t escape them. Rogan is sleeping between my thighs with his head on my stomach, his soft breath blowing across my skin.

I’m hot from their bodies covering me like human blankets. My skin is coated in a thin sheen of sweat, bruised, raw, and hurting. Yet I wouldn’t change anything about last night, because something feels different. As if they finally got it all out, finally let me in. And me? I let go of all of the secrets weighing me down, and I feel reborn, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

I feel new, whole, as if nothing can touch me anymore. It’s almost as if each strike, each bruise, each ounce of pain they inflicted stripped away all of my misgivings, all of my half-truths and worries, until I had nothing left but the warm feeling filling my heart for these three men. They could have turned away, could have left me.

Fuck, they could have killed me.

Instead, they forgave me. They did the one thing I never thought a Dixen brother would do—they gave me another chance. I won’t mess it up, not ever again, because right here, in their arms, is where I belong. I’ve been searching for a family since my own was taken from me, by murder and drugs…and that’s what I’ve found.

A family.

It’s messed up, it’s flawed and unusual, but it works perfectly for us. These Dixen men give me everything I need—protection, safety, love, kindness, and even structure. It’s warm, forgiving, funny, and yes, sometimes scary. It satisfies both parts of me, the one that lives in the dark and likes the taste of bloodshed and death, the one that likes to be chased through the woods and fucked. But it also calls to the softer side of me that I didn’t even know existed. The one I buried along with my parents, because I had to become hard to get through this life. That side of me is the one who likes to be held, to be told sweet nothings and pampered before being made love to.

My ass throbs, reminding me I need aftercare, and I shuffle slightly with a wince. It wakes Maddox instantly, his dark eyes locking on me. He runs his gaze across my face to my lips where, just last night, he covered them in cum. A smile tips up the corners of his lips, making me roll my eyes, even as I pout.

“Hurting?” he whispers, trying not to disturb the others. I nod pathetically, and he reaches out and cups my cheek, my eyes closing at the warmth. “Let me look after you,” he murmurs.

Moving silently, he gets to his knees and somehow manages to extract me from Alistair’s and Rogan’s clinging grasps. Holding me in his arms, he lets me watch them. Alistair flips onto his back, his arm across his face as he snores, the other reaching for me even in sleep. Rogan curls into the warm spot where I slept and continues breathing steadily.

“You make them soft,” he murmurs, whispering into my ear. “Don’t mistake that for weakness though. If you hurt them again, we’ll kill you,” he vows before turning and striding into the bathroom. Even with the death threat hanging over my head, I curl into his huge arms, knowing he does that out of love to protect his brothers who have been hurt so much, especially my sweet Alistair.

My damaged Maddox takes all the worry and protection upon himself. Even if it hurt him, killed him to end me, he would do it for them. I know that, and I don’t care. It’s one of the reasons why I love him. He sets me on the counter and steps between my legs, the cool marble making me jump slightly as it touches my raw ass before I sigh and settle back as it lessens the sting.

“Good, make sure you do. Don’t let me hurt them again,” I reply. He frowns at me, stilling his movements as I stare, letting him see the honesty in my eyes.

A wicked smile curves his lips, and he leans in, unbothered by my morning breath and the cum staining my cheek, and kisses me hard. Maddox dominates my mouth before it turns tender, and then he pecks my lips once more and rests his head against mine.

“I promise. I promise to protect them always…and you as well. No one will ever use you again,” he states, gripping my chin. “You’re ours, Rory O’Brien. You are a Dixen, and it’s time you acted like one.”

I swallow, searching his eyes. “I don’t know how.”

“Yes, you do. I’ve seen it. You’re capable of such depravity, such cruel and intelligent actions… You were born to be ours. Our heart. Now it’s time to show the rest of the world and Detective Fuckface who you really are. He needs to learn that you don’t fuck with a gangster.”

He’s right. I’m tired of hiding, of trying to be someone who fits into society. It’s time to be myself, the one they love.

I’m going to show them what a Dixen is capable of when backed into a corner.

* * *

Maddox helps me bathe,washing my body softly before shampooing and conditioning my hair. He brushes through the mess of black tangles and cleans every inch of me until I’m sparkling clean. When he’s satisfied, he helps me out. Keeping his expression impassive, he picks up each limb and dries it with adorable concentration. Once dry, he rubs every inch of my body with special lotion, especially my ass, and takes care of my pussy before making me drink water and take some pills.

Only when he deems me okay again does he take my hand and, leaving the others sleeping, picks me out a comfy, long shirt to wear—no underwear, which would rub on my ass. Once I’m dressed, he sets me down in the kitchen as he starts to cook. He makes me a delicious omelet with red pepper, chives, and cheese, and when it’s gone, I’m full.

The smell must wake the others, because Rogan and Alistair stumble into the living room half asleep. Ali’s hair is sticking up at all angles, and he only has one eye open.


“Eat, then we have things to do,” Maddox orders.

“Like what?” Alistair grumbles before covering a yawn as he staggers over to me, wrapping me in his arms and pressing his head to my shoulder.

“Like framing someone for our girl’s crimes and finding a way to deal with the cop,” Rogan says with aduhlook at my sleepy man.

“Ugh, fine, coffee first, then mob shit after. It’s too early for planting evidence and killing people,” Alistair grouses.