Page 137 of Gangsters and Guns

Chapter Fifty-Four


I’m so fucking nervous that it almost pisses me off. Usually at times like this, I’d reach into my pocket and snort a line to calm me. But not today. Now, I just have to deal with these foreign emotions, wondering how normal people handle them on a daily basis.

It’s maddening and so much easier to numb the feelings than experience them.

My stomach is in knots, my hands are clammy, and my heart is racing as I speculate if she’ll actually go through with today and show up at the end of it. I sent her off earlier, not to show off, but to show her I care. What real man doesn’t want to dote on their woman? Whether purchasing fancy things for her or feasting between her legs, a real man wants his woman to feel good inside and out, and that’s what today was all about.

Making Rory feel good.

Because damn, that woman harbors a darkness that rivals my own, and just for a moment, I wanted to free her from its icy grasp and let her enjoy life. She hasn’t really experienced the wonders the world has to offer, and I can be the catalyst that changes that.

Standing outside the club dressed in a sharp tuxedo, I check my watch and see it’s just after six. She should be here any minute…if she shows up at all. Rory has a tendency to flee from things she doesn’t understand, and I wonder if I’ve pushed her too far.

When I presented this idea to Rogan, he agreed she’d love it, not just the day of pampering but also what’s to come tonight. I can only hope I’m not crossing a line here.

This could make or break us.

Relief fills me when the limo pulls up, and I feel my shoulders sag. She’s here. She came. Adjusting my white phantom mask, which wraps around half of my face, I clasp my hands in front of me and wait patiently, though all I want to do is rush over, tear that fucking door open, and seize my woman.

The driver, Frederick, opens his door and moves around the limo as another masked couple brushes past me and steps into the club. Frederick nods toward me and grabs the handle of the back door. As it opens, I find myself holding my breath, totally unprepared for Rory’s presence.

Not only is she a light in my darkness, but she also completes a part of me I’ve tried to ignore for years. Because of her, I’m letting my guard down and allowing myself to experience love and hate, fear and happiness.

She’s changed me.

At first, all I see is a foot clad in a simple black heel, but then she stands and just stares at me. The world stops like we’re inThe Matrixas we just stare at each other. There are no words in this language or any other that could encompass the beauty of Rory in this moment.

Her dress clings to her, showing off every dip and curve of her body, making her the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. Her hair is a mess of dark curls, and pinned to the top is a red rose.

A fucking rose… I can’t even believe it.

The mask fits her perfectly. Black lace covers her eyes and rests on the bridge of her nose, making her green gaze look like its glowing. A cluster of feathers connected by a sparkling pendant is secured to the left corner of her mask, accentuating the entire outfit.

She’s regal.

She’s magnificent.

She’s pure temptation, a seductress wrapped in a little black dress.

I swallow hard as words fail me, because what do you say to a fucking goddess who chooses to show herself to you?

“You came,” I murmur reverently, holding my hand out to her.

She takes a step forward, and her hand slips into mine. I close my eyes, relishing the feeling of holding her, of her allowing me to walk proudly by her side.

“Thank you for all of this,” she says, staring up at me with big doe eyes. I almost say fuck it and toss her back in the limo so I can worship every inch of her body, but I restrain myself.


That’s not how our first time together is supposed to be.

I bring her hand to my lips and place a chaste kiss on the back. “Don’t thank me yet. The night has just begun.”

A smile tugs at her lips, and I nod at Frederick, who knows what to do next, then I pull her inside the club. It’s warm and inviting, and the entrance room is already packed with couples. Everyone is welcome here, and that’s what I love about it—it’s judgment free, where you can just be yourself and embrace who you are.

The walls are a dark purple, the furniture lush and opulent. Candlelit sconces flicker happily on the walls as everyone stands in line to be admitted. Servers meander around with crystal platters loaded with delicious hors d’oeuvres, while others hand out glasses of champagne.