Which is surprising, because my Ma is terrible at surprises, somehow, she knows everything before I even know it. She did always tell us growing up that she had eyes in the back of her head, I believe it now.

“'I’m going to go set the chips out, be right back,” Emery says, turning toward the kitchen. I swat her ass playfully, and she tosses me a grin over her shoulder.

Every day that I wake up, I thank God for this woman. She's my best friend and the only person I want for the rest of my life. We’ve been through everything together, and we’ve come out on the other side stronger. Happier.

After we started to build our house, Emery and I both decided to go to therapy. I was handling Ma’s sickness as best I could, but, at times, it felt like it was crushing me, and it’s hard to be strong when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. I talked to Em about it, and she suggested we both go. Her because of her struggle with postpartum, even though she feels better since our move, and me because of the weight of losing my dad, and almost losing Ma.

Our journey together consisted of one to be better for each other, together. It’s been a long year, with ups and down, but a year of happiness and one spent surrounded by family.

I’ve spent more time with my sister and Ma then I have since I was a kid, and watching my girls spend time with them has given me more happiness than I ever imagined. Ma cried like a baby when we told her we were pregnant again, and Allie and the girls danced around the living room.

The only thing we’re missing is our friends. With them there, Chicago will always have a piece of us. That’s why I’m so fucking excited that I get to see the guys today.

Everyone flew in for Ma’s surprise party, and I can’t wait to see my Olive you and Evan, and the guys.

Did I mention what the surprise party is about?

Ma’s in remission.

She’s officially beaten breast cancer, and is cancer-free. Something I honestly never thought I’d hear. When we found out the news, I cried like a fucking baby, sobbed in my wife’s arms, on her belly that holds my son, and it felt like the most cathartic moment of my life. She fought so long, and so fucking hard. I have never been in awe of another human in my life the way that I am Ma. She never gave up. No matter how hard the battle was, she fought through it because she wanted to live; she wasn’t ready to leave us. She was determined to survive, if not for herself, for us, for her grandchildren. There are days that she still struggles with her strength, something that might take a while for her to regain, but she’s here and she’s healthy. That’s all that matters.

The doorbell rings, so I walk over to the foyer and swing the door open, revealing Reed and Holland. Evan and Ava Kate stand at their feet, grinning.

“Uncle G!” Evan yells, launching himself into my arms. I squeeze his not-so-little body anymore tight to me.

“Ev, my man. Dude, have you been working out? Your muscles are bigger than mine.”

Evan smirks, putting his arms out to show me his biceps. I squeeze them, and feign surprise.

“Dang, Reed, what are you feeding these kids back home?”

Reed laughs and shakes my hand before clapping me on the back. It hasn’t been but a few months since I’ve seen them, but it feels entirely too long. I give Holland a hug and tease her about her pregnant belly.

Apparently, she and my wife have synced up their schedules or some shit because they seem to always be pregnant at the same time. Both of us are on baby number three.

Behind them is Briggs, Maddison, Olive and Dexter. I give them all a hug and usher them inside.

“I’m not getting down, I missed you too much,” Olive says to me, clinging to my neck. Her words make me want to cry like a baby. She was my first girl, and she’ll always be my girl. My Olive you.

“Uncle G will never let you go Olive juice.”

Her response is to squeeze me tighter.

Asher and Hudson walk through next, shaking my hand and giving me a bro hug. Fuck, I missed my best friends. Every single one of them.

“This house is awesome, dude, I’m fucking happy as hell for you,” Asher says, clutching an old worn paperback under his arm.

“Thanks, man, Em was the one who worked to design everything. Where’s your girl at?

He shrugs, not offering me anything else, so I look at Hudson, who subtly shakes his head.

From what I hear,Hudson’sgot himself a new girl, and I can’t wait to give him shit about it. The same way he did me when I was falling for Em.

Having my best friends here, my fucking brothers, makes me so damn happy. We all walk into the kitchen, and as soon as Allie texts me that Ma and Barbara are on the way, I turn the lights off and tell everyone to get in place.

A few minutes later, Barbara walks through the door and I can hear her faintly saying, “That’s weird, I thought they were home.”

“Surprise!” We all yell in unison as I hit the lights. Ma’s face is a mask of surprise, she had no fucking clue.