
One Year Later

“Baby,it looks amazing. No one is going to notice that it’s twoslightlydifferent shades of blue. I promise you.”

Emery narrows her eyes and levels me with a look that says she doesn’t believe me, but nods anyway. She crosses her arms over her chest, which pushes her tits up in the yellow sundress she’s wearing. They threaten to spill out of the cups, and my cock immediately begins to harden.

She must see the look in my eyes because she shakes her head and takes two steps back. “Oh no, sir. We are about to have a house full of people for a party, Graham Adams. Don’t you even think about it.”

“Give me five minutes and you’ll be saying something entirely different.”


A devilish grin spreads on my lips. “Fine. But the second this house clears, and the girls are asleep, you’re mine.”

“I’m always yours, Adams.”

Fuck, my wife.

“Now shoo, I love you, go play with the girls. I have to finish getting the cake and fruit tray ready for when everyone gets here.”

I drop my lips to hers, and then leave before she does something drastic like make me sleep on the couch. The girls are in the living room where I left them, playing with their toys.

“Hi baby girls,” I coo, sitting cross-legged on the floor with them. They both walk over to me with shaky legs, like newborn deer, and I laugh.

They’ve only been walking for a few months, and sometimes, I think that their brains work a bit faster than their legs, so they’ve got to catch up.

“Da da da da!” Charlotte says, thrusting her baby doll in my face. Quinn plops down in my lap, her eyes glued to damn Cocomelon on the tv. Everyone warned me, but you take Cocomelon away from these kids, and trust me, no one in this house is happy.

And my girls being happy is my number one priority, at all times. That includes my wife.

I look around the living room at the organized chaos that is our life, and I can hardly believe that a year ago, we were sitting here, watching the sun go down in the distance, no house in sight.

Life was bittersweet back then, in the midst of Ma’s chemo and radiation, her battle with breast cancer, our marriage, me leaving the Avalanches, Emery resigning from Johnson and Skelter. The house we built is one of love, happiness, patience, and understanding. True partnership. Because together, we’re unstoppable.

Emery picked everything out down to the bathroom tile. I told her I didn’t care what she did, as long as we had a big tub and shower. It ended up being seven bedrooms, a basement, and a man cave outside for me and the guys when they come to visit. Emery’s using one of the rooms for her office for the time being, until she decides to open her own practice.


“Yeah, baby.” I look up and find Emery leaning against the doorway of the living room, a small smile on her lips.

"I love you, you know that?”

“Not as much as I love you,” I tell her, smiling back. “And I love you two little turkeys more than anything.” I give the girls tickles, loving that their giggles echo off the walls of our living room.

I set them each back in their chairs, and stand, walking over to Em. I press my lips to hers and rub my thumb along her jaw.

“You good?”

She nods. “Yeah, just a little tired.” Her hand goes to her stomach, where she begins rubbing circles. She’s pregnant, again. This time with a boy, and I’m the happiest man on the fucking planet. We named him Mark Reed Adams after my dad and Reed. Two of the best men I know.

It took us longer than we thought to get pregnant. As much time as I spent inside her, it still took months. I wasn’t joking when I said I wanted to fill this house full of our babies. I want ten with my wife.

“I hope your mom loves everything.”

“She will,” I assure her. “Baby, honestly, the fact that we’re even here celebrating this right now is enough. Ma will be over the moon to be here with everyone, and spend time with your mama. I swear she calls her more than me and we live a quarter of a mile away.”

Emery laughs. “This is true. Although, I’m glad they’re best friends. Mama gets lonely sometimes, so I’m glad she has Barbara. Mama texted me earlier and said she has no idea we’re throwing her a surprise party.”