By chance, by fucking fate, I ended up in Chicago and it gave me the rest of my life. Gave me my brothers. My wife. My baby girls.

In hindsight, it was exactly where I was meant to end up, but as I drive down these streets that have been home for as long as I can remember, I feel differently.

Because I’m not the same kid who left all those years ago. I’m back and I’m a man who wants nothing more than his baby girls to grow up in the small town that made him who he is.

“Can you give me a hint? Even just a small one, please?” Emery says from the passenger seat, her eyes pleading and her bottom lipin in an adorable pout.

“Not gonna work.”

Even though I’m fucking lying, because those eyes get me every damn time. What can I say? I’m a sucker for my wife and my girls.

I reach over and lace my fingers in hers. “Two minutes, baby.” I glance in the rearview mirror and see the girls are both sound asleep in their car seats. “We’ll be there in just a second, and then you’ll see.”

When we pull into the parking lot, Emery’s brow is furrowed in confusion, and I can’t help the grin that tugs at my lips and slowly spreads.

“What is this?” she asks as I put the car in park.

“You’ll see.”

I leave the car running for the girls, then get out and head to the passenger side and open Emery’s door. She steps out and looks up at the building above us. A simple, white commercial building with a large glass front entrance, and no sign hanging above it. Nothing special.


“Okay, I’m thoroughly confused. What is happening?”

She looks so fucking cute with her hands on her hips, uncertainty written on her face.

“It’s yours.”

Her face morphs, her eyes widen, much like saucers. “What? What do you mean youboughtit? A building? For what?”

“I bought it. For you. Listen, Em, I know lately you’ve had to make some really big decisions. Not taking the promotion, leaving the firm, deciding to stay home with the girls for now. I know they were difficult, and I know they weighed on you. I also know that even though you decided ultimately to stay home for now, that law will always be your passion. You worked so hard, sacrificed so much to become a lawyer. Baby, I want to support you, always. In whatever decision you make, on whatever path that you choose. I said that in my vows because I meant it. I’m always on your side.”

She’s sniffling, fat tears falling from her eyes. “B-but…I d-don’t understand.”

I laugh. “When you’re ready, I want you to start your own practice. Right here.” I gesture to the building behind us. “Whether it’s a month from now, a year from now, or even five years from now, whenever you’re ready, it’s yours, baby. To start a practice, to be your own boss, to follow your passion and your dreams, whatever they may be. Hell, if you decide to turn it into a coffee shop, whatever. It’s yours.”

“Graham, you can’t just go around buying me buildings, you insanely perfect, handsome oaf.”

“I’m not sure whether that was a compliment or an insult, but I’ll take it.”

Emery sighs, running toward me and colliding with my body. Her arms snake around my neck as she kisses the corner of my lips. “You bought me a freaking building. To practice law. My own practice.” Her eyes soften, another tear leaking from the corner.

“I love you, Emery. There’s nothing in this world that I wouldn’t do for you, or Charlotte or Quinn. I’d get you the moon straight from the sky if, it’s what you asked for. When you said you wanted to stay here, it made me think about our future. What does staying in Strawberry Hollow mean for us? It means us being close to Ma and Allie, but I want staying here to mean that you still pursue your dreams, baby, the things that make you happy.”

“You make me happy, Graham. You and our girls. Being together. Happier than I’ve ever been.”

I take her jaw in my hands as I bring my lips back to hers, “And I feel the same way. I just want you to be fulfilled. You worked your entire life for this, and I want to make sure that staying here doesn’t mean giving up your dream.”

“It doesn’t, it just means that somewhere along the way…things changed. My priorities are different. My dreams are different.”

“I have one more surprise for you…” I grin.

Her eyebrows rise. “Another?”

“Mhm. Let’s go, and I’ll show you.” I walk over and open the passenger door, offering her my hand.”

“Lead the way, Mr. Adams.”