“Yeah, too fucking long. I can’t wait to get you home.”

After sitting next to those girls all night, he has no idea what’s in store for him. Apparently, Jealous Emery is a raging horny bitch, and now she wants to mark her territory.

We make it back to the house past dark, kiss both of our babies as they sleep peacefully, and grab a blanket to head to our spot. Like two love sick teenagers, we can’t keep our hands off each other as Graham drives us to the spot that has become ours, overlooking the hills for miles.

“You know, I’ve been thinking lately,” he says as he sits his long legs onto the blanket spread beneath him. It’s dark, the moon hanging above our heads, the stars seemingly going on for miles.

I sit between his legs, fitting my back against his chest as his arms circle my body, holding me tightly against him.

“Thinking about what?”

“Our future. How different my life is now, compared to a year ago. How happy I am to be your husband, and Charlotte and Quinn’s dad.”

His words make me boneless.

“I think about it too. I haven’t even checked my email or thought about work in at least a week. I’ve just been focusing on you, the girls and our family. I loved having everyone here with us.”

I can feel him nod with his chin on the top of my head.

“Me too. Man, Em, it felt good being out there on the ice again. I haven’t felt like that in a long time, even when I was playing for the Avalanches.”

“What do you mean?”

His chest hums. “I don’t know, Em. I just think that, somehow, this is where I was meant to end up. It feels like pieces of a puzzle finally fitting together. You and the girls… you changed me.

“You changed me too. I loved watching you play again tonight.” I turn, and climb into his lap, straddling him, lacing my fingers in his hair.

“And you know, I’m feeling insanely possessive tonight…”

His eyebrows rise, and a smirk hangs on his lips, revealing the two dimples that I’ve fallen so desperately in love with. He brings his hands to my ass, sliding them up my waist to the small of my back, pressing me down against him.

“That so?”

I nod, sucking my lip into my mouth innocently. “There were these girls at the game, sitting two seats down. They were talking about how hot you were and how they wanted to sleep with you. It made me crazy. I almost punched one in the tit.”

Graham tosses his head back and laughs, loud and deep, his chest rumbling beneath my touch.

“Em, you know you don’t ever have to worry about anyone else. You’re it for me. Forever. Nothing will ever change that. You’re my wife.”

I nod. “I know, but it kind of turned me on. It made me… I dunno, wanna mark my territory. Show the world that you'remine.”

He grins. “You trying to pee on me, Emery Adams?”

My eyes roll. This man. Always the comedian.

“Should I show you? All the ways that you’re mine?”

His eyes dilate with need, and he nods, visibly swallowing.

Lately, we’ve been making up for the time we spent apart. He makes me feel wanted, sexy, and brazen.

My body is different than it used to be, there’s no question. Stretch marks score my lower stomach and sides, my tits probably sit a little lower, but the look in Graham’s eyes shows me that nothing has changed in his desire for me.

“You’re killing me, Em.” He groans when I rock my hips back and forth against his hardening cock.

“Good.” I smirk.

“I don’t think I’ve gotten you pregnant again yet,” he says, lacing his hands in my hair and tugging my mouth down to his lips. “How about we work on that right now?”

The shiver that dances down my spine, causing me to tremble in his hands, is answer enough.