“Seriously, I came all the way from Nashville when I heard he was going to be playing in the charity game. News travels fast. Have you seen the dimples on that man? To die for.”

The blonde flicks her hair over her shoulder and giggles.

A typical bunny.

What’s new is the jealousy that bubbles inside of me. A foreign, poisonous feeling. That is my husband that she’s talking about like he’s a piece of meat.

And well… I mean, she’s not wrong. He is so damn handsome, but he’s also all mine.

“I wouldn’t mind taking him for a ride. I bet he is so good in bed. Look at the way he moves.”

Her friend giggles, agreeing, “Yeah, we should try and talk to him after the game.”

Yeah, right. Talk to him, and you lose an eye, bitch.

Oh god, what in the hell has come over me. I can’t help it… hearing them talk about Graham like that makes me a crazy, jealous bitch.

“Totally. I’m game if you are. I want just one night with the rookie. My money is on him having the biggest dick.”

Allie walks down the aisle, interrupting their conversation, and taking her spot next to me, beer and nachos in hand. “What did I miss? You look like someone kicked your dog.”

I lean closer. “Those girls were talking about wanting to have sex with Graham, and now I’m trying to decide if going to jail is worth it.”

She tosses her head back and laughs. “Oh, I knew I liked you, Em. You are so my kind of girl.”

Shrugging, I sip on the beer and keep my eyes on Graham. He shoots the puck toward the net, racing after it, and a shiver runs down my spine.


“Oh, he’s just so dreamy. I’m legit making it my life goal to fuck him.” The girls next to me are back at it, and I’m two seconds from losing my shit.

Before I even can, Allie leans around me and spits, “Hey bitch, have some respect, why don’t you? You’re sitting next to hiswife. Not to mention, my brother wouldn’t touch your nasty ass withsomeone else’sdick. Bye now.”

The girls' eyes widen, and their glances dart to me, and I grin smugly. Not what I was expecting from Allie, but I’m quickly realizing that she’s not someone to bite her tongue. She reminds me a lot of myself.

“You know… you’re right. My husbandisamazing in bed. You should see how many times I scream his name a night.” I sigh. “Y’all have a nice night now.”

The look of pure shock on their faces is priceless. Truly. For the rest of the game, I don’t hear one peep out of them, not even a cheer when a goal is scored.

As the players exit the ice, Graham blows me another kiss before disappearing into the tunnel behind the rest of the guys.

I look over at the girls next to me, their jaws slack, and smirk. Rising from my seat, I make my way down the row and toward the locker room.

Allie makes an excuse to slip out before I can stop her, so I wait patiently for Graham to emerge. When he finally does, my heart skips a beat in my chest. My nerves from earlier disappearing all together, replaced by anticipation.

Even though it’s only been a few hours, I feel like I haven’t touched him in weeks. My body lights up when he smirks at me, the dimples in his cheeks popping, making me a pile of mush. His hair is still damp from his shower, and he pushes it back from his head. Dressed again in his five-piece suit, tailored perfectly for his body.

He looks delicious.

“Mrs. Adams,” he breathes, coming to a stop in front of me, yanking me into his arms.

“I.” Kiss. “Missed.” Kiss. “You.” Kiss. “So. Fucking. Much.”

I melt into his touch. I didn’t realize how much I craved his touch, his scent. Being in his arms, until being apart from him for the first time since we got married.

“It’s only been,” I glance down at my Apple Watch, “two hours and forty-five minutes.”

He pulls back, his eyes holding my gaze as he drops his lips to mine again, kissing me so hard I’m breathless by the time he pulls back.