I can’t wait to be alone with her. I want to spend the rest of the night worshiping my wife. Kissing every inch of her body, making love to Mrs. Adams.

“By the authority vested in me by the State of Tennessee, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Adams. You may kiss your bride.”

He doesn’t have to fucking tell me twice. Stepping forward, I grab her face tenderly and kiss my wife.My wife.She’s soft beneath my touch, completely pliant, a sigh escapes her lips that I swallow and tilt her head to deepen the kiss, my tongue sliding between her lips to tangle with hers.

Catcalls from our friends interrupt our kiss, and I pull back, grinning at Em, her face still cradled in my hands.

“Knew I’d get you to marry me somehow.”

She laughs, sweet and throaty, and I grasp her hand, turning us toward our family and holding her hand up.

We fucking did it. Through everything, we did it. Through the good and the bad, we ended up exactly where we were meant to be, and it’s the sweetest victory I’ve ever had.