
Nothing could’ve preparedme for this moment. Everything I thought it would be isnothingcompared to what it feels like standing beneath this old oak tree. Waiting for the love of my life to walk down the aisle to marry me. My palms are clammy. The bowtie around my neck feels like it’s constricting by the second. Time seems to drag by slower than it ever has.

I can’t believe I’m standing here. In the very spot Ma married Dad. Thinking of him makes my chest tight with emotion. What I wouldn’t give to have him here with me, to sit right there in the front row next to Ma. To hold her hand and watch me marry Em. But I feel him here. All around us. He’s a part of this house, this farm… a part of me, and I know wherever heaven is, he can see us.

He’s with me now, even if I can’t see him.

I swallow, trying to tamp down the nerves that well in my throat. I’m standing next to the pastor, dressed in a crisp black tuxedo and bow tie. There are a hundred tiny white lights strung in the tree above us with a small wooden arch decorated with cream and pink flowers. All picked out by Holland, of course.

It’s simple, yet everything I could imagine for our wedding day.

Nothing complicated. Nothing ostentatious. Yet, all of the small things that scream my girl.

It’s perfect. She and the girls have spent the last few days preparing everything for tonight, and even with the short amount of time they had, she made it perfect. The weather is perfect, sunny and breezy. It’s almost time for sunset, another thing we decided on since we’ve sat together under many sunsets here. Our guests are in front of us in simple white chairs with bows around them. Only our immediate family and friends.

Ma and Allie are in the front row with Kathy. Allie’s holding Quinn and Kathy has Charlotte perched in her lap, playing patty cake quietly, and my heart aches in my chest. The dresses Em got them are so fucking cute. They’re cream to match her dress, and each came with a matching bow that flops each time they move. Sometimes,mosttimes, it feels impossible that these girls are mine. That I get to be their dad, and that I get to love them every day for the rest of their lives. It feels like an honor that’s more than I’ll ever be worth, but fuck, it’s mine. I love them so much, more so every single day.

I wave at them with an affectionate grin before clasping my hands back in front of and look over at Asher and Hudson. Briggs stands by my side. These guys started as my teammates and along the way became my best friends. My brothers. It feels unreal that they came all the way here for this. Dropped everything to come and I’m so grateful. Every damn day that I have brothers like them. My NHL career may be over, but they’ll always be my family.

And now any second Emery’s going to walk down the aisle to me.

My girl.

My best friend.

My soon-to-be wife.

My forever.

Without a doubt, loving Emery Davidson is the best thing I’ve ever done. I remember the first night I ever spent with her, even though it seems like a lifetime ago, and how I knew even then she was it for me. I’ve never doubted that.

I knew that no matter what we had to fight through to get there, that she was my future. I had to fight to make her trust me then to make her trust me again when I made a mistake. Nothing has gone as planned for us, hell we’ve done everything backwards but it was worth it. Every single second of our journey has been worth it. Now her heart is mine, and her trust is safe with me, and I will never let her go. I will never do anything to hurt her or break that trust she’s given me.

I never imagined we’d get married here, at my childhood home, under this tree with our parents and friends watching.

No, that was the surprise of a lifetime, but nothing has ever felt so right.

My gaze drifts to Ma. She’s clutching Allie’s hand tightly. The corner of her lips turn up in a smile, and I can see tears threatening to spill from her tired eyes. Her head is wrapped in a blue silk scarf that matches her dress. She was so excited to pick it out and to get dressed up for the first time in months, she said. Even so, she looks like it’s taken all of the energy out of her. I know she’s tired, and I know how hard she’s fighting to beat this. I’d give anything to take her place, even for just a few moments to give her a reprieve from the pain. I would in a heartbeat. I’m just too selfish to give her up. Along with Emery and the girls, my Ma means everything to me.

It took both Reed and I to get her to her seat with how weak she is right now, but she insisted, she refused to be anywhere but the front row to watch her son get married. Her words. I’m just thankful she could be here. Thankful that even though she has cancer and is going through chemo, somehow, she is still the strongest woman I know. Thankful that my Ma could be here to meet my girls, and to see me marry the girl of my dreams.

Thankful that we have this moment, and even if tomorrow never comes, I’m thankful for today.

That’s what I’ve been trying to live by for the last few weeks, and I might not be doing it well, but I’m still fucking trying.

I’m still trying. For her. For Emery. For Charlotte and Quinn. For myself. To be strong for them.

The back door creaks open, and my eyes snap to where Emery steps out, her arm looped in Reed’s.

The breath leaves my lungs. Somehow, I’ve forgotten how to breathe. I’ve forgotten that the ground is solid beneath my feet because my world is tilting on its axis. Spinning out of control. Tears sting behind my eyes, then spill over as I cover my mouth with my hand to bite back the hoarse sob that threatens to leave my lips.

I can’t believe this woman is mine.

She’s perfection. A fucking angel walking this Earth. Her dark hair is long and loose, falling in waves around her shoulders. It frames her face, accentuating the pink of her cheeks, and her deep blue eyes that seem to shine even with the distance between us. The dress… Jesus Christ, this dress. For the first time in my life, I’m at a loss for words. I’m fucking speechless.

It was made to be worn by her. The cream, silken fabric clings to her hips and torso, dipping slightly at her chest. It’s classy, and fuck, it’s perfect. A thin veil covers her face, and her blue eyes are filled with tears when her eyes hold mine.

It’s Emery.