“Well, given the short amount of time we had to put everything together, and the fact that you have kids and can’t exactly hop on a plane… At least it’s off season.”

Maddison scoffs. “I would never miss this day for anything in the world, Emery Davidson.”

“Yeah, what she said,” a deep, raspy voice says from behind me, causing me to whip around and my mouth to drop open in shock.

“Asher? Hudson?”

Asher’s lips tug into a flirty grin, and Hudson picks me up in a giant hug, swinging me around until I yelp.

“I can’t believe you’re all here. This is crazy.”

“Can’t believe you chose Graham over me. Do you see this smile?” Hudson teases, and I roll my eyes. Always the flirt.

Hudson and Asher nod in unison.

“We all flew in together with Davidson and Holland. Graham had to call his buddy to pick us up because he was as shocked as you are.” Briggs smirks, tossing his arm around Maddison’s shoulder affectionately.

“Where are the kids?”

“Inside with your mom, Michelle and Allie. They’ve got a whole damn daycare in there.” Maddison giggles. “God, Emery, this place is incredible. It’s so quiet and peaceful. It reminds me a lot of my gram’s Inn.”

Maddison looks at Briggs, and they share a secret smile. If I remember correctly, it’s where they met the first time.

“It’s quickly becoming one of my favorite places in the world. When I visited for the first time, I never expected to fall in love the way that I did. There’s something… picturesque about it. Especially watching the sun set and rise over the hills.”

She nods and gazes out past the house to the rolling hills beyond, where the sun is a burnt golden pallet of oranges and pinks. It looks like a painting, and it never fails to take my breath away.

“Before I take you inside and properly show you around… I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being here, and for coming on such short notice. You guys have shown up for us, time and time again and-,” I clear my throat, emotion suddenly clogging it, “It means the world to me, and I know how important it is to Graham to have you all here. You're his brothers, and everything with his Ma has been hard. This is what he needed. Thank you guys.”

“No matter where you two go, we’ll be here. Always.” Briggs says.

“Thank you. Now, let’s go see the Adams farm? Speaking of… has anyone seen my future husband?”

The words feel surreal to say out loud. Part of me can’t even believe that I’m going to marry Graham tomorrow, surrounded by our friends and family. That the journey we’ve gone on together has finally brought us here. A couple of months ago we were almost broken up. A year ago I wouldn’t even admit that I had feelings for him and we were in this exact spot pretending to be together. Now, I’m marrying him and nothing has ever felt so right. I’ve never loved anyone the way that I love Graham. They way that I need him.

I walk into the chaos that has become Graham’s family home with our friends behind us. The kind of chaos that I’ve begun to know and to miss, whenever it’s not present.

Babies, a fiancé, things I never thought I wanted, but now know that I was meant for. I was meant to be their mama, and Graham’s wife. Even if I didn’t ever foresee my future this way.

They changed me, and I thank God every single day for it. For giving me this life.

Michelle is feeding the twins in their seats on the counter, and Graham is untangling what looks like a pile of lights that are way past saving. My brother is chasing Evan and Olive around the living room, yelling something about a fort, while Holland sits with my mama at the kitchen table.

“Hi,” I say quietly, biting back a laugh.

Graham looks at me and grins, tossing the lights aside and walking over, enveloping me into his arms.

“Hi yourself.” He breathes, his breath fanning along my lips. I’ve hardly had a chance to process a thought when he grabs my chin between his fingers and kisses me, softly. A tease of what I know we both want, but can’t have surrounded by everyone.

“Holding down the fort?”

He scoffs. “Have you seen this place?”

I smirk, standing on my tiptoes to kiss him again before walking over to the girls. I kiss his ma’s cheek and then give my girls some love and cuddles. Their littles faces are covered in what looks like peas, but it doesn’t stop me from kissing their little cheeks.

“Hi Mama’s babies, did you miss me?”

Quinn spits the mouthful of peas she was hoarding like a chipmunk and babbles happily.