
The next twodays of our lives are pure chaos. It’s the only way to describe the flurry of nonstop activity going on at the Adams’ Farm. It was next to impossible to get even a minute alone with Graham until we laid down at night, once getting the girls to sleep, and even then, we were both so exhausted that we fall asleep the moment our heads hit the pillow.

While Graham and I made the decision to keep everything small and quaint, with just our families, there was still so much to do with only a short amount of time to accomplish it.

Today, Reed, Holland, Evan and Ava Kate will arrive, and I can’t wait another second to see them. It’s only been a couple of weeks, but I’ve missed them all so much while we’ve been gone. And… I can’t walk down the aisle to the love of my life without my brother.

Growing up, Reed was the only father figure in my life, and while he was more my best friend than an authority figure, I looked up to him. He took care of me and was the best big brother in the world. We’ve always been incredibly close and I couldn’t marry Graham without him. He’s the only man I’ve ever trusted until Graham… The one who’s shown me that I should never settle, and what I should expect from a man. The best friend I’ve ever had.

I wouldn’t be able to walk down the aisle without him by my side.

So, he and Holl hopped on the next available flight and should be here within the hour. Graham went to the airport to pick them up while we went two towns over to pick out my wedding dress, and then little dresses for the girls.

Graham and Reed will be going tomorrow to get fitted for their tuxes. Thankfully, the tailor is a friend of his family and was able to work him in on such short notice.

Everyone's exhausted, yet… deliriously happy. Us getting married took our minds off his mama being sick, and gave us all a much-needed break from worry.

Even if it was unintentional, I think we’re all thankful for a reprieve, including his mom. She seems happier than she’s been since we arrived, and if Graham and I are the cause of that then I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure it stays that way. I’d do anything to keep the smile on her face, without hesitation. The past week was rough, and she’s slept a lot but yesterday she surprised us all by getting up with Mama and making some strawberry muffins. It was so good to see her up, and out of the bed.

My eyes drift back to the rows of dresses. I want something simple and elegant. Nothing frilly, and certainly nothing expensive. It didn’t matter to me. None of it did. Not the decorations, or the food, or even the cake.

The only thing that matters is marrying Graham at the same spot that his parents got married. Walking down to the love of my life in a dress that he’ll be speechless when he sees.

“What about this one?” The bridal saleswoman holds up an empire-waisted dress that would drag the floor behind me. None of the choices so far have felt right. And I’m beginning to get discouraged.

What if I can’t find the right one?

I’m getting married in twenty-four hours, and I have no dress, or time to have anything altered.

“Emery, honey, don’t stress. You’ll find the perfect one, I just know it.” Mama tells me, her eyes kind and hopeful.

I blow out a deep breath and walk to the back of the store, where the discounted dresses are. Nothing has worked so far, so I guess I should start back here and look.

My fingers glide along the material of the different dresses: silk, lace, tulle. Different shades of white, the occasional champagne color, a mauve color. They’re beautiful, every single one of them, but they aren’t the dress I see myself wearing.

I’m about to walk away, and settle for something else, when I see it, hanging there. It’s the last dress, and it’s… it’s breathtaking.

Oh god. Tears well in my eyes, emotion hitting me square in the chest. It’s true, what they say.

That when you know, you know, and I know, without a doubt, that this is the dress I want to walk down to the love of my life wearing. My hand shakes as I pick it up off the rack and hold it up to me.

It’s white, crisp and brilliant, a long train dress that flairs at the bottom into a simple train. It’s vintage-style, with simple lace sheathing the bodice. Cream colored, with intricate lace on the sleeves.

“Mama,” I whisper, never taking my eyes off of it. I turn toward her and Michelle and hold it up shakily. “I thin-n-k I found it. This is it.”

“Oh Emery, it’s beautiful. You must try it on,” Mama says as she smiles, a look of affection in her eyes.

The salesperson walks over and takes the dress from me then brings me over to the dressing rooms and finds an empty one, hanging the dress on the other side before leaving.

Before I try it on, I pull my phone out and text Graham.

Me: I found the dress I’m going to marry you in, Mr. Adams. I’m about to try it on, but I already know it’s the one.

Graham: THE one? Send me a picture, baby, I can’t fucking wait another day.

As if, absolutelynot.

Me: I’m going to pretend you didn’t even say that. We’re not ruining the most important day of our lives, crazy man. No peeking. And you know… our mothers insist that we spend tonight apart. No seeing the bride the night before the wedding, per tradition.