I can hear Em sniffle behind me, and I hug Ma tighter, before letting her go. I’d hold her forever if I could.

“I love you, Ma, forever and a day.”

“I love you too, baby. Em, come her darling girl,” she calls out to Em, who walks over and puts her arm over Ma’s shoulders, resting her head on her. Ma drops her head to the top of Em’s and slides her arm around her back.

It’s something I never imagined experiencing, watching the love of my life share these moments with my ma. Seeing the admiration and love shining in her eyes each time she’s in the room with her.

I’ll never forget it. Not as long as I live.

“Where do we start?” Em says. Her voice is shaky, a mere whisper.

I shrug. “I’ll marry you wearing a trash bag, baby, tell me when to be there and I’ll be there.”

Ma tells us both, “Don’t you two worry, we’ll handle everything.”

In three days, Emery Davidson will be my wife, and nothing has ever felt so right. I can’t fucking wait to call her Emery Adams.

My wife.