My phone buzzes with a text, just as I’ve shut the trunk of my SUV that’s now loaded down with mine and the girls' things.

Graham: I just had strawberry pancakes, and I fucking miss you, baby. I wish you were here. I'm coming home soon and I’m going to spend the entire day making love to you, devouring you. You know what, I might even eat those strawberries right off you and right out of that sweet pussy.

My cheeks heat, and I grin, bringing my phone to my chest as I think of a cheeky response.

My plan is to surprise Graham. He has no clue that we’re coming, and he won’t. I texted Allie while packing and asked her to pick us up at the airport and to think of something to tell Graham. Within minutes, we had the perfect plan devised and now I’m only a few short hours from being reunited with my man.

Me: All talk and no action, Adams.

Graham: Give me a week, baby, and you won’t be able to sass me when your mouth is full of my dick.

I love that he’s still as dirty and uninhibited as he was the day I met him, and having babies together didn’t change that. I never want to lose the spark between us that ignites every time we’re together.

Me: Kissy face emoji

The drive to my mom’s is quick, and I spend a few minutes giving the girls kisses and playing, while I wait on my mom to get her stuff loaded. Once she’s ready to go, we get the girls situated, and we’re in the car on the way to the airport. I’m thankful that I had only been at work for an hour when Rob and I spoke because it left the entire day for me to make my way to Graham.

Flying with an infant is chaotic, that much I knew before I even got there, but flying with two is even more challenging. Somehow, Mom and I manage to get both girls through security and to the gate with fifteen minutes to spare. Which is more than I could ask for. They sleep the majority of the plane ride, only waking up to eat, and the only time they even remotely fuss is when we take off and then land. And even for me, landing’s are rocky.

I’m so proud of them, and I can't wait to tell their daddy how great they did. I took a few videos and pictures to print for their baby book and to show Graham of their first flight. By the time they are toddlers, they’ll be word travelers.

When we deboard the plane, exit the gate and walk to baggage claim, Allie is waiting for us with the biggest smile. The second that I see her, relief floods my entire body.

“Emery!” she cries, colliding with me and giving me the biggest hug.

“Allie, God, I missed you, girl!” I set Charlotte's seat down so I can wrap my arms around her body. She’s thinner than the last time I saw her. Not surprising with how much stress she’s been going through the last couple of weeks.

“Oh, and my nieces, you sweet girls.” She bends at her knee, squatting in front of their car seats. “I can’t believe how big you’ve gotten. Aunt Allie loves you both so much. I’m so happy to finally get to meet you.”

“Allie, this is my mom Kathy.” I gesture to my mom, who doesn’t hesitate before pulling Allie in for a hug. There’s no awkwardness of a first meeting; they hug like they’ve known each other for years.

“I’m so sorry you and your family are going through this, darling. I will help in any way I can,” Mom says in her ear.

Allie nods, glancing at me with fresh tears in her eyes. “Thank you. Just being here means everything.” She lets go and faces me. “Graham is going to have a heart attack when he sees you three. He’s been… having a really rough time. Working from sun up to sun down in the barn, painting the house, anything he can do to keep himself busy.”

I nod. That sounds like him. I’ve noticed how off he is, and it’s broken my heart.

“Let’s go. I can’t wait to see your mom and Graham.”

She nods, picking up Quinn’s seat for my mom, then loops her arm in mine. "I’m fine with being on baby girl duty tonight.”

She says it quietly, so my mom doesn’t overhear, and when I glance up at her with wide eyes, I see the sparkle of amusement shining.

“I’m going to take you up on that.”

We giggle and head to Allie’s SUV, arm in arm. Now, more than ever, I’m thankful for Graham’s family welcoming me into theirs with open arms. After a short ride, we pull through the wooden fence of the Adams’ family farm and a huge part of me feels like I’m coming home.

Mostly because I’ve realized in the past few months that home is a person, not a place, and it’s wherever Graham and our girls are.

Wherever our family is together.

When Allie parks in front of the house, I notice the fresh coat of paint, the fixed shutters, and the porch has new railings that wrap around the house in certain places. She was right, Graham has spent the past couple of weeks busying himself with things around the house, and it shows.

Seconds later, he appears through the front door with his jaw slack and his eyes wide.

“Em?” His words are a breathless whisper.

Pausing, I drink him, noticing how even in only a couple of weeks he’s changed. His hair is longer and disheveled which I know is from running his hands through it over and over. The stubble on his cheeks is longer, and his eyes…. They’re tired.