Not waiting for my answer, he continues, “She doesn’t. It’s not who she is. Sure, she’s pissed off. She has every right to be. She’s hurt. But it doesn’t mean she’s giving up. Look, this couch has seen its fair share of problems. Hell, I’ve been in the very spot you are right now, Adams. Briggs has too. We all fuck up; we all make mistakes and end up in the dog house. Nobody is perfect, and you know that. This old, ratty couch is a testament to fucking up, and it not being the end. Literally we have all been here, and happier than ever with the women we love.”

I run my hand along the well-worn material. I’m surprised Holland let him keep the thing when they built their new house, but I’m not surprised that Reed did. He’s a sentimental guy, even if he’s already threatened to beat my ass three times since I’ve walked through the door. It’s why I ended up here, and nowhere else. Because I knew that Reed would be the only person to give it to me straight, and because he will always have Emery’s best interest at heart. He’s not going to sugar coat shit because he’s my best friend. At the end of the day, he’s Emery’s brother, and he’ll beat my ass if I deserve it.

“I just… I know I fucked up Reed, and I fucked up so bad that I don’t think I can fix it. I don’t knowhowto fix it.”

“I think that you have to fix it the same way that you broke it. Adams, I’m going to let you in on a little secret, one maybe you haven’t learned yet. Emery’s got a wall of armor up around her, and she always has. Even since we were kids, she’s been protecting her heart... I think it probably started with the fact that our dad left when she was little. She pretended it didn’t hurt her, but I knew that it did. It hurt me, so I knew that it hurt her too. And ever since, she’s shielded herself from the things that could hurt her. In love… in friendship.”

“I didn’t know I was actually going to be fucking traded, Reed. I mean yeah, I knew it was a possibility, and I should have told her it was; I just didn’t imagine things happening the way that they did.”

He nods, understanding shining in his eyes, which surprises me. “You have to gain her trust back. Talk to her, explain that you fucked up. You knew it was a possibility, but you didn’t want to ruin Charlotte and Quinn’s birth, and then show her that you’re the man she needs. Don’t give up on her even when she pushes you away.”

“I would never give up on Emery. I love her, so goddamn much.”

I never even had the chance to say it out loud before I fucked it all up. All I want to do is tell her and show how much I love her. I’m not scared to say that I’ve fallen head over heels in love with Emery Davidson, and I’m sure as fuck not giving up on her.

“What if… What if I don’t go to Washington? What if I decline the trade and become a free agent?” I sit up, resting my elbows on my knees, and then I drop my head in my hands. “I don’t want to go to Washington. This is myhome.This is where my family is, my girl, my babies. Being sent there feels like a punishment.”

“I mean that’s a possible choice, but it’s not something you need to decide on the fly. I get that you want to put Emery and the girls first, but you also need to weigh your options. This is your career. You’re an amazing player, an asset to any team. Hell, I hear the contract that they’re offering you is double what you’re getting here. Think about all the options before you make a decision.”

I nod, feeling like I’m going in circles. “It’s just money, Reed. I don’t give a fuck about money. I grew up poor. The only thing that matters to me is my family. At the end of the day, that’s all I care about.”

Reed sits back, glancing around his living room, silent for a moment before he speaks again, “Then, you know what you need to do.”

He stands and walks over to where I’m sitting and sits across from me on the coffee table, clapping his hand on my shoulder. “Pull your head out your ass and fight for my sister. Fight for your family, and realize that this isn’t the end, it’s just the beginning for all of you. If you and my sister love each other, then you’ll make it work. No matter what.” He claps me on the back. “Change your mindset. This is only the beginning, Adams. It’s up to you how you let it change you. If you love her, don’t let her go. It’s as simple as that.”

Fight for her. Prove to her that I’m the man I’ve said I am. Gain her trust back. Make my family whole again. Itissimple. I love Emery with everything inside of me, and I’m not giving up on her.

Not now, not ever.