“Allie told me to stay here with the girls, but I don’t know, Em…” He trails off beneath me. His words spilling from his chest, making me sit up immediately.

“Graham, you have to go to your mama. There’s no question. She needs you right now, more than ever. You have to go to her.”

Hesitation shines in his eyes. He steels his jaw. “I can’t leave you or the girls here alone, Em.”

I shake my head. “Graham Anthony Adams, do you not know me? I am perfectly okay here with the girls while you go be with your mom. We will FaceTime you every day, so the girls can talk to their daddy, but your place isn’t here right now. It’s with her. This isn’t a choice. This is your mama, you have to go.”

“I hate the thought of leaving you and the girls, it kills me.”

“I know, I don’t want to think about it either baby, I just.. Your Ma is sick right now Graham, and the girls are so little. She needs to rest, and not worry about hosting everyone. You need to go up there and see her, take care of her, and in a couple of weeks the girls and I can visit.”

He nods. His shoulders still sag with worry, and I wish more than anything I could take that worry away. I would carry it for him in a heartbeat.

“I can’t let her go through this without me. If something happens to her, Em… If she…” He can’t even muster the words, and I can’t bear to hear them.

“No. She’s going to fight, and she’s going to beat this. Don’t say that. We’re not even going to speak of it. We’re going to be positive. Graham, you have to be her rock. She’s always been the strong one for you and Allie, she’s always been your safe place when you were scared, or hurt, or in need. She was steadfast when your daddy passed away, and now it’s your turn to carry some of that for her. Be her strength when she feels she has none.”

He sits up, dragging me into his arms, and kisses the top of my head, so tenderly and gently I could weep.

“I love you so much. I love you more than you will ever fucking know, Emery.”

“And I love you Graham Adams. I have faith, and I know your mama is going to be okay. Go pack a bag, and I’ll book your flight.”

I hate that he has to leave, and I hate the thought of him being away from us, but right now… his Ma needs him and we’ll be here waiting until he returns.

No matter what.