
"Graham Anthony Adams,do not. Don't youdare," I say with my hands raised in surrender as I back away from him slowly.

My warning only seems to make him smirk harder. He raises the paintbrush higher, taking a small step toward me.


The cold wood of the door hits my back, stopping me from going any farther. He’s got me right where he wants me, and judging by the look on his face, I wasn’t leaving unscathed.

“If you do, so help me.”

His eyebrows rise. “Oh? You know how much I love a challenge, Davidson.” He invades my space, bringing the paint brush to the exposed skin of my chest. His hand hovers over my skin, but doesn’t touch me.

Not yet at least.

And suddenly, the chase, his proximity, it’s all the most erotic form of foreplay I’ve ever experienced.

“How about I give you a five-second head start? That seems like a fair exchange.”

Another smug smirk, one that I want to kiss right off his handsome face.

Graham Adams isdevastatinglyhandsome. Each time I look at him, I feel the familiar swirl of butterflies in my stomach. A feeling that’s only present when he’s around.

“Five seconds? Impossible, you’re a professional hockey player!” I complain, my eyes already darting around him for the best plan of action.

“Iwasa professional hockey player, babe, and fine, ten seconds…go.”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I dart around him, narrowly bumping my hip on the corner of the covered end table as I sprint through house. Ten seconds isn’t much of a head start, but I hear him counting with each step I take.

Slipping into the bedroom, I quietly ease into the closet, and tuck myself behind the shelf that’s partially hidden behind things I keep shoving in the corner. Not that I think I’ll last very long here, but honestly… this is the most fun Graham and I have had post babies.

Becoming a mom to Charlotte and Quinn is the best thing I've ever done and I'm sure that Graham would say the same. But I think that new parents sometimes... lose themselves inbecominga parent. Everything is new and different and so fast-paced that you get caught up in all of it and you forget to take time for yourselves. Take time together.

Today is the first day that Graham and I have been away from the girls. After our discussion the other night, we decided that we are going to sell the house. But in order to sell it, there are a few things that we need to fix and touch up before we can actually put it on the market. When we told my mom our plan, she asked if she could keep the girls for the day.

Which, of course, helped out tremendously, because painting rooms while caring for newborn twins would’ve been next to impossible.

And even though we’re just touching up paint around the house, it's been great to have alone time, just the two of us, because I missed him.

I think it’s okay to admit that sometimes I do miss the intimacy and the quiet of how it was before we were parents.

I wouldn't trade my babies for anything in the world. I just really, really need alone time with the hottest man in the world. Just a little.

After how rocky the last two months have been, it's been nice to reconnect, and if that involves a game of chase around the house, so be it.

Plus, who wouldn’t want to play a game of chase with Graham Adams? Maybe I can convince him to spank me if he catches me.

To say I’m a tad bit… horny is an understatement. I mean honestly, I can look at the man and want to jump his bones, but it’s been a rough couple of months. That involved not touching each other, or being intimate with the man I love, and that does something to a girl.

Maybe it's my hormones or maybe it's the amount of time that we spent apart, but I'm losing my ever-loving mind for him.

I hear the door creak open in the bedroom, so I place my hand over my mouth to stifle any sound. I want to see how long I can go without him actually catching me.

A few seconds of silence pass. I don't think he's in the room any longer, but all I can hear is this steady whoosh of my heartbeat in my ears as my blood pumps wildly.

Suddenly the doors are thrust open and Graham’s wrapping his hand around my arm and yanking me toward him. "Got you, babe."