Fuck, I’d be over the moon to have a hand in building a home where my girls could grow up. I can see it now… wooden rocking chairs, a brand-new swing set in the front yard. A treehouse to camp out in. Just like my dad did for me and for my sister. Nothing would make me happier. I can see them now, my girls with pigtails chasing the dog in the front yard, stick popsicle running down their hands as Em and I watch from the porch, rocking in our chairs, sipping Ma’s sweet tea.

"Alright, baby, we’re doing it. Tomorrow I'll call my realtor and have her start pulling some listings that fit what we're looking for and then we can go see them together and make a decision. Pick whatever one feels like home to us.”

It seems crazy to think that two weeks ago, everything was a mess, and I made a choice that I never could've imagined myself making until now and it was the answer that I had been searching for.

Quinn starts to fidget on my chest, so Em reaches over and gently lifts her off me then lifts her shirt and pulls one of the cups of her bra down to feed her. It's something that never gets old, watching Emory feed our daughters. Quinn latches on and begins to suckle. Emery rubs her cheek softly, watching them bond is the most incredible sight. She’s an amazing, devoted mother. Every night, she wakes up to feed them, no matter how tired she is. She sacrifices showers, an semblance of alone time.

"Can I say something without it sounding weird?" I say, as I watch Emery feeding Quinn.

She looks up, her blue eyes dragging to meet my gaze. "Of course."

"There is nothing in thisworldsexier than seeing you feed our daughters."

Emery's cheeks heat, I can see them tinted pink from across the bed.

"Is that weird?" I say sheepishly, worried that maybe it was a little too much.

"No-n no, definitely not,” she stutters.

"I definitely don't feel sexy, though, not in the least. Honestly, right now I probably feel the most unattractive I've ever felt in my life. I mean, I know that it's worth it, and I know that I'm doing something amazing by birthing my children and feeding them, but I just don't feel very much like myself."

I sit up gingerly, careful not to wake Charlotte and get up from the bed. Making sure she is still tightly swaddled and comfortable, I carry her over to her bassinet and lightly set her down. I walk back to the bed, and watch as Quinn suckles, amazed that Emery’s doing something so damn incredible like feeding our daughters. Sitting next to her, I reach out and brush my finger along Quinn's cheek. "I've always thought that women were incredible. I think that comes with being raised by a strong woman. But, Emery, I have never been in awe of anyone, or anything, the way that I am you. Watching you birth our daughters, laboring for hours, was the most incredible thing I've ever seen. You are amazing and not a day goes by that I don't stop and think that I cannot believe you’re mine. I can't believe I am the lucky motherfucker that gets you. You are patient, you are selfless, you put everyone you love in front of yourself and I'm here to tell you that you are the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life, and somehow even more sexy when I watch you feed our daughters."

Quinn’s seemingly done eating so Emery adjusts her bra, lets down her shirt and carefully swaddles her back in her blanket and brings her to her bassinet.

“You know, there’s something I’ve been meaning to show you,” she says coyly, leaning over the bed inches from my face.


Nodding, she sucks her lip into her mouth so fucking seductively that my dick jerks in my pants. Goddamnnit, this woman is perfect.

When she lifts her shirt over her head, and then slowly unsnaps her bra from behind her back, letting her tits spill free, my mouth goes dry.

“Something that requires your help in the shower. That thing I was telling you about with my tong-” I cut her off by scooping her up and carrying her directly to the shower.

I don’t even need to know what that thing is, I just know I need to be in the shower with a wet, soapy baby mama in less than five seconds flat.