“You’re insane, you know that?”

"Maybe. Maybe not. Listen, I wanna introduce you to a few people and then I have a surprise for you at my house. I was thinking maybe we could go by there and spend the night?”

She’s silent for a few beats, but then nods her head yes. “I’d love to.”

Sliding my hand in hers, I pick Olive up with my free hand then take her around the rink, introducing her to various staff members and to coach’s wife who's come to meet him for lunch. Finally, we put Olive back into her car seat and drive the thirty-minutes to my house.

The entire drive she’s quiet, but I simply give her the time to process. There's a lot changing at once and even if she’s okay with things happening, I know how hard it can be to adjust.

When we pull up to the house, I open the garage door and pull inside.

“You ready?”

She nods, looking apprehensive. “I’m nervous.”

I laugh. “Let’s get Olive settled and then I’ll show you.”

Maddison hops down from the truck and gets Olive from her carrier. I grab the diaper bag, and together, we go inside the door that leads into the kitchen.

“Sweet girl is awake,” she coos, running her hand over Olive’s curly blondish hair. I think it’ll get darker; it already has since she was born.

“Perfect, she can come and see Mommy’s surprise.”

Maddison looks at me, and I just grin.

“Come on, this way,” I tell her, leading her down the hallway and up the set of stairs that leads to the second-floor landing.

The second floor has the master bedroom and master bath, along with what will be Olive’s nursery, and another room.

A room that I had designed especially for Maddison.

I stop in front of the door and turn toward her and Olive. “It’s not a huge deal.”

She eyes me skeptically. I swing the door open and reveal the room inside. It’s a sleek, feminine office designed with Maddison in mind. I know she’s taking a semester off from school, but she needs a space where she can work uninterrupted and feel creative.

Her journalism degree will award her many opportunities, and since she and Olive are moving in with me, I wanted her to have a space that was just hers. To study, to work on her side job, whatever she wants.

“Briggs,” she whispers, her voice hoarse and low. “Did you.. what…” she trails off, turning in a full circle, her eyes dragging over every surface.

There’s a white rustic desk in the center of the room, equipped with a brand-new iMac, printer, notebooks, pens, everything she could possibly need. On the walls, the artwork matches the rest of the room. It’s bright, comfortable and exactly what I would imagine Maddison working in.

“Don’t freak out, baby. I just wanted you to have a place where you can work, uninterrupted, that's just yours.” I gesture toward the wall of built-ins on the right side of the room. “These shelves are for you to fill up with your books. I noticed that you had a small shelf at your apartment, and you mentioned you like to read.”

Maddison rushes over to me, with Olive still cradled in her arms, and throws her arm around my neck, pressing herself tightly against me. I slide my arm around the small of her back and hold her.

“Thank you. This…it’s too much. I don’t know how to accept it,” she says quietly.

“Well, it’s done, baby, I can't send it all back. Now you’ve gotta use it.”

When she pulls back, there are tears in her eyes. She sniffles softly as they spill quietly down her face.

“Hey,” I say, wiping away a stray tear, “don’t cry. It’s nothing.”

She shakes her head over and over. “No, it’severything, Briggs. This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me, and I just don’t know what I did to deserve you. I don’t deserve you.”

“You deserve the world, and I’ll do everything I can to give it to you, Maddison.”

If she only knew the lengths I would go to make them happy; I’d do anything for her and Olive. I’d move the Earth if that’s what it took.

“Thank you, Briggs, for being the most amazing man. I hope you know what this means to me.”

I nod. To me, it was just another thing to make her happy and comfortable here.

But her being here? It means the fucking world to me.