
It’s beenan entire day since I walked out of Maddison’s apartment, leaving our future in her hands. An entire day that I haven’t been able to stop obsessing over what her decision would be. An entire day my stomach has been in knots, so when Reed called and asked me to meet him and the guys at the rink, I jumped.

I needed to get out of my house and to stop checking my phone every five fucking minutes, willing it to ring.

The plan was to keep myself busy, not that I was accomplishing it very well since all I could think about is my girls.

“Man, she’s beautiful, Wilson. She definitely has your nose.” Bart, the Avalanches equipment manager, says as he glances at the photo of Olive on my phone. I couldn’t help it, everywhere I went, I wanted to show her off to the world, except I couldn’t because of the media. The second they get wind of Olive; it’ll be plastered on every national news outlet there is and the last thing I want is to expose her or Maddison. I’m worried they’ll take all of the good that is Maddison and I and taint it somehow, convey her in a way that is less than what she is and all I want to do is hold the both of them close and protect them, always. That’s why I told her, first and foremost, how important it was to keep them to myself, because I won’t stand by and watch something happen to them. I want any announcement we make to be on our terms.

I’m surprisedThe Puck Bunnyhasn’t already found out and plastered it on their homepage. She has a habit of taking whatever she can about me and fucking running with it. Even though I’ve done everything I can to keep off her radar, especially now.

“Thank you. I love that little girl more than I’ve ever loved anything. She’s my world.”

Clapping me on the back he laughs. “That’s exactly how it happens too. Suddenly, this little one comes into your life and takes everything you thought you knew and flips it on its ass.”

I nod and glance down at the photo of Olive. He’s right. My life was… empty before her, and I didn’t even know it until I saw her for the first time. Her ruddy cheeks paired with her toothless, lopsided grin remind me so much of her mama. My heart dips. It’s only been a day since I’ve seen her, and it feels too damn long. I miss her. It’s not that Maddison wouldn’t let me see Olive; I just want to give her space to make a decision.

Reed and Graham skate up just as I’m locking my phone and setting it back on the bench.

“Good shot, Davis. I wasn’t sure you were going to get it past me, you know with your old age.” Graham smirks, hitting Reed’s stick with his, which earns him a look from Reed.

“Talking a lot of shit for a first-year rookie, Adams. Don’t let your ass overload your mouth.”

“Might be a rookie, but my stats are better than yours so…” Graham trails off, shrugging.

“Both of you shut up,” I bark in annoyance. Normally, they don’t bother me with their bickering, but I’m in a foul mood after leaving Maddison.

Reed and Graham both look at me. Reed’s dark, thick eyebrows are raised, and Graham looks apprehensive.

“What?” I grunt. Both of their gazes feel more like they’re silently judging me.

“You’re extra broody today, any specific reason?” Reed quips. Running a hand down his face, he wipes away the sweat that drips from his shaggy hair.

Even though they’re my best friends, I still have trouble telling people about the shit in my life. I’ve spent so long keeping everything bottled up and trying not to put my shit on anyone else, it’s a habit I’m trying to break. Little by little.

“I haven’t seen Maddison or Olive since yesterday.”

“Howismy Olive-you? I picked her up this hella cute shirt the other day when I went to Vegas. It says, “Baby Roller.” Get it. High roller?”

“Yeah, I got it, Graham.”

“So what’s going on? You two have a fight or something?” Reed asks, falling onto the bench next to me.

I shake my head. “No, no, nothing like that. I laid it out for her, Reed. I told her how I felt and she said she had to think about what it meant for us. Fuck, I think I’m just terrified to lose her and Olive.”

Reed looks at me for a moment then laughs and shakes his head. “Man, even the mightiest fall, huh? I never thought I’d see the day that you fell in love.”

“I’m not in love with Maddison.”

Graham scoffs. “Get real, dude. She’s got your balls in Olive’s diaper bag.”

“Look, this isexactlyhow I felt when I put it all out there for Holland. I went an entire week, thinking I’d just lost the first girl I’d ever loved, and it all worked out for the best. You’ve got a habit of thinking the worst from everyone around you… you know, considering…”

He’s talking about Beau, and he’s not wrong. I’ve conditioned myself to expect the worst, and then I’ll never be let down at the outcome, but even thinking about losing Maddison or Olive causes my chest to tighten.

“Briggs, you deserve to be loved. I don’t know why you’ve convinced yourself otherwise. That because you had a rough go, and you did some fucking up, that you aren’t worthy of good.” He holds my gaze before continuing, “Give her a chance. Believe in her the way that you do about how you feel about her.”

“This is about to make me fucking cry. Real shit.” Graham sniffs. “What? Stop looking at me like that. Real men are in touch with their emotions.”