Jesus Christ Briggs, you’re bargaining with a baby who can’t even speak yet. Apparently, my light bribing has the opposite effect because, a second later, Olive is vomiting all down the back of my shirt.

Sticky and smelly, I fight the urge to vomit. I can feel it seeping through the thin fabric of my t-shirt.

“Oh Olive, sweet girl! Oh my God, Briggs…. your shirt,” Madison shrieks, taking Olive out of my arms. “Just take it off and, and I’ll throw it in the wash so it doesn’t get ruined.” She says it over her shoulder as she carries Olive into her room to change and wipe her down. She’s only gone for a few minutes, and when she walks back into the living room, I’m clutching my baby-puke-soaked shirt in my hand.

She looks startled as her eyes drag down my body, like she hasn’t seen it before. Her eyes trail down the expanse of my chest and lower, until I clear my throat, plastering a grin on my lips.


Swallowing thickly, she then clears her throat nervously. “I’ll uh, I’ll just put it in the wash.”

Not gonna lie, seeing her so flustered causes satisfaction to bloom in my chest. Her cheeks are flushed red as she grabs my shirt from my hand and runs to the laundry room.

Maddison can pretend as much as she wants, but I know she’s just as affected by me as I am her.

When she returns, she smiles shyly, still stumbling over her words slightly. “I put it on a quick wash, so it should only take a few minutes. Uh, sorry about that.”

“Don’t apologize, I’m not even worried about the shirt. Is it okay if I take a quick shower though?”

She nods. “Yes, of course. Here, let me show you this handle, it’s tricky.”

I follow closely behind her as she leads me into the tiny bathroom. It’s small, even for her, but with my height and the two of us in there, it seems to shrink even further in size.

I shut the door behind us to give us more room, and when I do, Maddison’s eyes widen.

“Just freeing up some space.”

“Yeah, and we don’t want to wake up Olive…. she passed right out after I cleaned her up.”

“Of course.”

Standing on her tiptoes, she reaches around me to turn the knob on the shower, brushing against my chest in the process. She fumbles with the knob, unable to get the water out, and lets out a frustrated sigh. The bathroom is so small, I have nowhere to go, but press further back against the towel rack.

“Sorry, this handle is broken, and there’s a certain way you have to jiggle it… just like this.” Using all her strength, she pushes hard against the handle and it gives way, falling to the floor of the shower, causing her to fall off-balance and topple forward. Reaching out for something to steady her, her hands connect with my shoulders, and then we’re both falling before I can grab the wall to stop us.

We topple into the shower in a heap on the floor, much like the very first time we met, and as luck would have it, the shower turns on, soaking us both completely. The too cold water sprays until we’re both sputtering and drenched.

Maddison lifts her head from my chest, water falling in rivets down her face, and then she laughs.

She laughs so hard her entire body shakes, and it does nothing for my hardening cock beneath her. My hands are gripping her waist tightly, trying to hold her in place, to no avail.

“I’m so sorrrr-rr-y.” She giggles, unable to contain her laughter. “This damn shower. Are you hurt? God, I’m so clum-”

She doesn’t get another word out, because my hands are sliding gently up her jaw, into the wet, tangled hair at her nape, and yanking her toward me. I silence her with my lips and kiss her, firm and demanding. Sliding my tongue inside her mouth, I kiss her hard and yet so fucking sweet, to make up for all of the nights I dreamed of her. The countless days I spent looking for the girl who blew in like a storm and changed my life that weekend. When her tongue swirls in my mouth and I devour her delicate whimper, I grip the back of her neck to hold her in place as I swallow all of her protests. I make up for every fucking day that I thought about her while I had no idea she was pregnant with our baby.

I want, for one fucking moment, for her not to think of what the consequences could be, or what we could mess up in the process, and to just feel. Feel what I feel every damn day for her.

Her hips move against mine as my cock grinds against her center, her hands trailing up my slick, wet chest to rub along the five o’clock shadow on my chin, then she abruptly pulls back, ripping her lips from mine.

“Oh god,” she mutters, then scrambles off of me, almost slipping on the wet floor of the shower.

“Hey, be careful,” I say, reaching out to steady her.

Once she gets out of the shower, and her feet are planted firmly on the bathroom floor, she screeches at me, “What are you doing? Why did you just kiss me, Briggs!'' Her voice is a low, hushed hiss, and I can see she’s worked up.

Fuck it, it was worth it.

“Because I wanted to, and so did you.”