Reed: Both of you sound like idiots, you can’t buy a kid’s love and her dad’s a hockey player, you think taking her to a game is gonna win her over? Nah, I’ve got a kid, I know exactly what to do. I’ll just let you two run around in circles while I take the win.

I keep scrolling, laughing at these idiots that I call friends, until I’m mostly caught up on everything I’ve missed. Graham sends a photo of a custom jersey with his name and number on the back.

Idiots. But hell, they’re my best friends, and no matter what, they’ve been by my side and shown their loyalty. Even at my lowest, they’ve picked me up and carried me when it’s been too heavy to do on my own. I owe them everything.

Me: Look how cute she is when she sleeps.

I type quickly, adding a photo of Olive that I snapped while she was asleep, a smile on her tiny little lips. I’m proud as fuck and I don’t even care that I’m going to be blowing up everyone’s phones with Olive’s pics.

They immediately respond to the photo.

Graham: Fuck, why are babies so cute when they do simple shit? Like eat. Or sleep. Why am I having baby fever right now? Someone tell my dick to fuck off.

Reed: Dude, erase that shit from your brain right now. Babies poop, a LOT. And you might as well kiss sleep goodbye. But... B, she’s fucking perfect and I can’t wait to hold her. Holland says to tell you that she is snuggling her for an hour straight and she will physically fight anyone who stands in her way. She beat me arm wrestling last night and it had nothing to do with the fact that she was naked. Don’t let her small size fool you, she’s asavage.

I laugh out loud at that.

Man, my best friend iswhipped.He’s now married to Holland, who just so happens to be his younger sister’s best friend. They had a rocky start at first, after trying to hide their relationship, but ultimately, it came out and everyone was happy for them; they just had to work through their own shit. Now, Holland’s a part of the family. And trust me when I say, I know she’ll bust my balls, and I am quite fond of them so...

Me: I learned that lesson the hard way, don’t fuck with the fun-sized blonde.

Reed: Damn right. That’s my girl.

Hudson: I can’t believe I’m saying this but… I think I just shed a tear. Happy for you, man. Gotta set an example for her now.

Graham: I just bought her, her first hockey stick, and the smallest pair of Bauer skates they make.

Asher: Rookie, she’s like two days old.

Graham:shrugging emoji- I told you I’m going to be the favorite uncle.

The entire text exchange has me laughing like a fool, and it helps to take my mind off the nervousness in the pit of my stomach that shit might not go at all like I hope. Not to mention the shitstorm that’s coming when I leave here and have to face my parents.

Thinking of Conrad, betrayal slashes my insides, leaving them tattered. Fuck, it feels like every time I turn, someone I trust is betraying me. I’m done letting him ruin this moment. He’s ruined enough and I’m done giving him time he doesn’t fucking deserve. Not anymore.

This time is reserved for Maddison and Olive. I won’t let anyone, especially not that asshole, rob me of this time that I’ll never get back.

My main concern is protecting her and Maddison. From the media, from the public eye that comes with being a professional hockey player, from assholes like Conrad.

Me: Gotta go back in and see my girl. I’ll text soon with details so her favorite UNCLES can see her again.

I shove my phone back in my pocket and knock lightly on the door to Maddison’s room. When I hear her tell me to come in, I push the door open and walk into the spacious room. Olive is still nestled in her arm, sleeping like an angel.

I’m not sure how it’s possible that every time I look at her, I fall even more in love, yet here I am, emotion clogging my throat as my chest swells with pride.

My daughter.

Maddison looks up at me and smiles, gently rubbing her thumb along her cheek as we watch her sleep.

“I know that this… this isn’t what you expected, and you had to miss so much of my pregnancy, but I’m glad you’re here, Briggs.”

It hits me in the gut. Her words, as much as I wanted to hear them, I'm worried are a goodbye.

“Thank you for letting me be here, Maddison, after everything…” I trail off, and she nods.

As I watch my daughter sleep, all I can do is pray that I get the chance to be there for all of the important moments of her life.

Maddison lives less than fifteen minutes from Northwestern Memorial. The entire drive to her apartment, I looked back at Olive, no less than fifty times. Having a kid unlocks new fears inside of you, ones you never even knew were possible until suddenly there’s a tiny, fragile newborn whose life is quite literally in your hands.