
“Yep,” I squeak, averting my gaze completely. I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath, trying to get my nausea under control.

Fuck, who knew that watching a live birth would be the one thing that my stomach can’t handle? I’m glad the guys aren’t here or I’d never live this down.

“Briggs, if you leave me right now, I swear to god, the second I can walk again, I willendyou,” Maddison spits through clenched teeth.

“I’m not, I’m not,” I reassure her. Or maybe it’s myself that I’m trying to reassure because right now, I don’t feel very fucking confident that I’ll make it through this whole ordeal.

Another contraction hits, and Maddison grits her teeth, pulling on my hand, and gripping the hospital bed with her free hand.

“Alright Maddison, I think this will be the last push. I need you to take a deep breath in and push as hard as you possibly can.”

Maddison nods, a fresh set of tears falling down her cheeks. I quickly swipe them away, not worried about her punching me since she’s currently indisposed.

I’m still in utter shock that I even ran into her and that all of this is unfolding before my eyes, after how long I searched for her. All by happenstance, a stroke of luck, and fuck knows I don’t have much of that. It seems like… fate. I can’t believe how incredible she is. I’m in awe of her strength, fuck, I can’t believe she did all of this alone for nine months.

I can’t hardly wrap my head around all of it. Everything’s happening so quickly, but what I do know is that I want Maddison more than ever, I want our daughter, I want this and everything that comes with it.

I don’t even know what this is, but I want it. Whatever it is if it gives me them.

“That’s it!” the doctor exclaims, “she’s here!” I glance down and see him lifting up a tiny, gunky baby in his arms, a long cord still attached to her belly button, connecting her to Maddison. She’s covered in a sheen of white… stuff, and blood, but even from where I’m standing, I can see the light dusk of her blonde hair.

Nothing prepared me for this moment.


I feel tears well in my eyes before I can even get a full grasp on what’s happening, the fact that this is my… daughter. I look down at Maddison, who’s sobbing as the doctor brings the baby to her chest and places her directly on her. Skin to skin, she sobs as she holds our precious baby girl.

My chest swells with pride and an overwhelming sense of… adoration. The need to protect them both.

“Congratulations, she is beautiful. Dad… would you like to do the honor of cutting the umbilical cord?”

I swallow thickly, suddenly aware that I’m nodding. He hands me a pair of shiny scissors that are bigger than my hand with huge, thick, “o” curved blades, where the normal blades would be.

The second the cold steel hits my hand and the doctor holds up the bloody, blueish purple umbilical cord, the floor gives way and everything goes black.