“Truth?” she whispers, her chest rising and falling as she sucks in air.


“I haven’t stopped thinking about what it would be like to kiss you since I tackled you to the floor,” Maddison whispers.

I don’t waste another second, leaning forward, I cover her lips with mine and fuck, it’s even better the second time, if that’s possible. Maddison tastes like forgiveness and retribution. Sweet and soft, tangy and citrus like. For the past two years, I’ve done enough fucking up to last a lifetime. Made choices that I regret, hurt people who didn’t deserve my anger, hated myself for all of the shit I messed up, but suddenly, I feel like I might have a real chance at turning shit around.

Kissing Maddison feels like a reprieve from every wrong thing I’ve ever done. As if she’s breathing good back into me, a forgiveness that I don’t rightly deserve. Feeding a hunger that’s grown ravenous over time.

I rip my lips from hers and pull back slightly to stare at the warm honey irises that gaze up at me. Her hands are wrapped tightly around my neck, her tits pressed against my chest, and her legs are locked around my waist.

“This is crazy,” she mumbles against my lips.

“Do you want to stop?”

Her head shakes. “No, I don’t.”

With that, I drop my lips back on hers and kiss her slow and deep, inhaling every bit of goodness that she’s giving to me.

I don’t deserve this shit, but I’m selfish enough to not stop wherever it’s going.

“The sun is about to come up,” she says, gazing out over my shoulder toward the horizon.

Damn, we really did spend all night together, and it was mostly just getting to know each other.

“Wanna watch the sun come up?”

She nods and untangles herself from my arms. Together, we swim back to the dock, and when she climbs up the ladder, I turn my head because I’m a gentleman, even though my dick hasn’t quite gotten the memo and all I want to do is watch her ass sway as she climbs.

Once we’re both dressed, we sit shoulder to shoulder at the end of the dock and watch as the sun slowly begins to rise in front of us. Being with her today, it’s the best day I’ve had in a long time.

“I almost wish the sun wasn’t coming up,” she says quietly as she peers out onto the sky. “We should probably get back before the other guests wake up.”

I nod. “Yeah. I’ll walk you back? To your room?”

“That would be great.”

We stand from the dock and walk back toward the inn, slipping inside the back door quietly and taking the stairs. I let her lead, since I’m not sure where her room is, but am surprised when she goes to the small wing where my room also is.

“This is me.” She gestures to the door opposite of mine.

“Funny, because this is me.” I grin, nodding at the other door.

“Hm. As luck would have it.” Leaning on her tiptoes, she plants a sweet kiss against the corner of my lips then pulls the key from her jean shorts pocket and unlocks her door. “Goodnight, Briggs. Thank you for tonight.”

“My pleasure.”

Then, she disappears behind her antique door, leaving me staring at it, wishing that it was mine she was walking into right now.

Once I get back to my room, sunlight is beginning to stream through the sheer curtains, casting a warm glow around the room. I’m grinning like a fool as I flop down onto the bed.

Fuck, today wasgood.

Exactly what I needed after the shit show that I left behind in Chicago. Maybe not Conrad’s definition of “detox,” but I feel lighter. Better. And I know it has everything to do with the girl with the golden eyes and heart-shaped mouth.

I’m about to strip down to my boxers when there’s a faint, delicate knock on the door. My gaze whips toward it, and I try to remember if I put on the ‘do not disturb’ sign before locking it.

Sliding out of the bed, I walk over, unlock the door then swing it open. I open my mouth to speak, but I get no words out because Maddison is colliding into me, her sweet mouth closing over mine in a kiss so damn intoxicating, I feel it all the way to my toes. My hands slide up her jaw, cradling it, kissing her back, deep and hard. There’s definitely nothing soft or sweet about this kiss.