The moment I decided to taunt her with this… bet per se, I knew exactly what to say.

“I’ve broken a world record and… I've broken the same arm three times.”

She doesn’t waver, her jaw still tight and her eyes filled with determination. It’s fucking sexy. As much as I admire her competitiveness, I hope like fuck she gets this wrong because I don’t know if I can last another second without kissing those lips.

Moments go by and she stays silent before she finally speaks, “World record.”

“Is that your final answer?”

Her eyes roll. “Yes, Regis, now make me a millionaire.”

I don’t answer immediately; instead, I lean forward, slightly closing the distance between us. Until I’m so close I can inhale her floral, clean, citrus scent and feel the pant of her warm breath on my lips.

“Wrong. Should’ve phoned a friend.”

I watch as she visibly swallows, the pulse in her neck pounding as I lean in closer. All’s fair in cheap tequila and truth and a lie, and I’m gonna collect my winnings.

Her gaze holds mine. “You’ve won a world record?”

I just grin and nod, then offer a small shrug. “Never underestimate Romeo, brains.”

And then my lips are on hers. I crash against her in the way a rough, unsteady wave would lick upon a shore. She’s soft and sweet, and fuck, when her lips move against mine, I use every bit of restraint I have to go slow, to take my time and savor this moment. My tongue dips into her mouth, stealing all of her sighs, and holding them hostage. Her hands slide into my hair, and she inches closer, ready to crawl into my lap.

Roughly, I pull back, breaking our kiss. We’re both panting, and if she’s feeling anything like I am, her heart is threatening to break free from its cage.

Holy fuck, that wasintense.Maddison lifts her hand and rubs her fingers lightly along her now swollen lips.

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what it would be like to kiss you since the moment I laid eyes on you.”

“Don’t… don’t look at me like that,” she whispers.

“Like what?”

She sucks in a gulp of air before rasping, “Like strangers shouldn’t look at each other.”

“Maddison…” I start, but she stops me by placing her finger over my lips.

“Can I be honest with you?"

My heart pounds in my chest, and my throat feels thick at her sudden question.


She turns completely toward me and draws her legs to her chest before resting her chin on them. "This is the first conversation I've had in as long as I can remember where it feelsreal.Where it's not some guy I met on a dating app that feels like he has to lie about everything to impress me. It just feels... sincere. And I don’t even know your last name.”

"I know exactly what you mean. It’s been a long time since I felt like I could… I dunno just talk with someone the way we did tonight.”

We’ve almost finished off the bottle of tequila, and I’ve lost track of how late it’s gotten. Hell, I haven’t even glanced at the clock once since she sat down next to me.

“CanIbe honest withyou?” I ask. Leaning in closer, my heart pounds as I wait for her reply.

She nods. “Always.”

“I’m not ready for this night to end with you.”

Her lips part and her tongue darts out to wet them. “Me either.”

“I have an idea. Will you trust me?”

“Should I? Trust you? We’re strangers… remember?” she counters, calling me on the fact that I’m asking a girl I’ve spent less than an entire day with to give me her trust, even though I’ve spent the past two years pushing everyone away.

Trusting no one after my trust had been shattered.

“True. But, what if I promise to be on my best behavior for the rest of the night?”

Pulling back, she stays silent, and I can practically see the wheels in her head turning.

“Fine. One night, Romeo.”

One night’sallI need.