I want more. Of this. Of her.

Arousal shoots down my spine when she moans lightly in frustration. “Shit. I have so many good ones, I don’t know where to start. Okay...Okay. I was the captain of the chess team and…. I lost my virginity in a farm stall.”

My eyes widen. “The chess team?”

“Out of both of those, that’s what you’re surprised about? Go on, tell me, which one’s the truth, and which is the lie.”

I think for a minute. Fuck, she is good. I’d bet money on that poker face because it reveals absolutely nothing.

It makes me wonder who shereallyis. Who's under that breathtaking exterior?

“Alright. I’m betting everything I’ve got on this one. Chess team is the lie. Farm stall is the truth.”

Her eyes twinkle. “Sorry, Casanova, but you probably shouldn’t head to the casino anytime soon. Drink up.”

“No shit?” I say in bewilderment. Color me fucking surprised. “You were the captain of the chess team?”

She nods, grinning cheekily. “Don’t act so surprised. Just because I’m beautiful doesn’t mean I’m not smart. My IQ is like 180. Beautyandbrains.”

That she is. That she fucking is. Fuck, I love her confidence. It’s sexy, and so rare to see on a woman. She’s completely comfortable in her skin and owns it.

I take the shot she pours for me and try not to wince when it still burns going down. Shit, when will this shit stop tasting so bad?

“Alright, here we go.” I smirk. “I went to prom with my cousin.”

Her eyes widen, and her eyebrows shoot up in surprise before she covers her mouth as she giggles.

“What’s so funny, brains?”

“I’m sorry, but if that’s the truth, I’m going to need some story time. Sorry, sorry, okay, continue.”

Shaking my head, I laugh. “And… I know three languages.”

“Oh, I am so going to win this." She sits back against the couch; her cheeks are flushed and her eyes twinkling from the light of the dying fire. She’s so beautiful it takes away my fucking breath. My hands itch to reach out and pull her into my arms, then kiss her till she’s breathless.

“I’m gonna say the three languages is the lie.”

I stay silent for a moment, then nod. It’s true, I did actually take my cousin to prom.

"Ha! Damn, I should probably go to Vegas and put it all on black.” She laughs, throaty and low. When she leans forward, the front of her shirt dips, giving me a glimpse of her milky, full tits.

I bite back a groan and laugh. “Look beauty and brains, don’t get ahead of yourself here. You’ve won two rounds, and I’m just getting started. Game’s not over yet.”

“I’m just saying, it’s not looking too good for you, bud.” Her teasing banter has my heart speeding up inside my chest. A steady thump that reminds me that even after everything, it still is beating somewhere inside of me.

I sit patiently and wait for her to choose her next question, but my eyes scan her face, acquainting myself with the small, dimpled curve of her lips when she smiles, and the way her eyes seem to shine whenever she teases me.

She’s enjoying handing me my ass.

“Okay, okay, I wouldn’t go all in on this one. I’m upping the ante.”

The honey, golden-flecked iris of her eyes widen in question as her eyebrows shoot up. “I’m listening.”

“If you win this round, I’ll do two shots, but if I win… I get a kiss.”

I hear the delicate yet sharp intake of the breath she sucks in, completely taken off guard by my request, and for a second, I wonder if I’ve overstepped. After a brief moment of hesitation, she steels her jaw in determination.

“You’re on, Romeo.”