Twenty Nine

Love is a non-discriminating emotion.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re prepared for it or not; it comes in and knocks you clear off your feet.

I’d know. I realized in this moment, watching the man I’m head over heels in love with, have his heart broken by his own father, that I’d do anything in the world to make sure he never felt that way again.

Maybe that’s what makes me brave. Gives me the courage to do something I’d probably never do before now. The sheer rage pumping through my veins after witnessing what I did.

I’m halfway to the door before I spin around, my fists clenched at my sides.

“If there’s anyone who should be ashamed, it’syou.”

His father’s jaw drops momentarily before he quickly closes it and goes to speak, but I’m not done, I’m not anywhere near done.

“Do you even know that man out there?” I point toward the driveway with a trembling finger. I’m shaking so badly; I can hardly keep my teeth from chattering. Adrenaline has taken over, helping me feed off the rage I feel. “Do you even know your own son? Or do you think you know the man he used to be? You’re so blinded by whatever hate or hurt you’re holding on to, that you can’t see the amazing son you have. He is kind, and selfless, and compassionate. He’s the best father in the world, and he’s the best man I’ve ever known. Everything he does, he thinks about us first. Whatever decision he’s making. He’s stepped up and done everything in his power to be the best dad that he can to that little girl, and you should be ashamed of yourself for throwing his past in his face. The great thing about people? They have the power to change. Not only themselves but the future.”

I’m panting by the time I’m done speaking as I back up toward the door. “I hope one day that you realize what you’re missing out on, and you change. Because right now? You don’t deserve him. You don't deserve our daughter. You don’t’deserve his love. But don’t worry, Olive and I love him enough to make up for it.”

Spinning on my heel, I turn and stalk out of the house, shutting the door behind me. When I make it to the porch, Briggs is standing at the bottom of the steps with a look I can’t read on his face.

“Did-d you hear all of that?” I swallow as I walk down the stairs, taking each one carefully.

He nods, then I’m being pulled against him and his lips are on mine.

He answers me by the way his hands slide up my jaw into my hair as he kisses me, deep and reassuring, and I feel it.

“You love me, huh?” He grins against my lips, his eyes shining with amusement.

I can feel my cheeks heat under his gaze, but I shrug. “A little. I guess.”

Throwing his head back, he laughs.

“I guess I love you too, you know? Except, I have for a long time, and I’m so fucking glad I can finally tell you. I love you, Maddison.”

“I love you, Briggs Wilson. Thank you for choosing me and Olive.”

“I’ll always choose you, baby. You and Olive are myalwaysgirls.”

His words penetrate my heart, and I almost lose it in his embrace. Right here, I almost break down and tell him everything I’ve been holding inside, but I can’t tell him something like that after what just happened with his parents. Not after how hard it must have been for him to have his father treat him that way.

“Let’s go home.”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

After we’re home and Olive is bathed and I’ve rocked her to sleep, I find Briggs in our bed, shirtless with his laptop. He’s staring intently at the screen with his brow furrowed.

Truthfully, a sight that feels too good to look at. His hair is still damp from his shower, and when he looks up and sees me walk into the room, his blue eyes seem to flare.

“Come here.”

I crawl into the bed next to him and slide under the plush, thick blanket, nestling into his side. His arm comes around my shoulders, and his lips press to the top of my head in a sweet kiss.

“I’m sorry that you had to hear that today,” he says against my hair.

Pulling back, I look up at him and shake my head. “Don’t you dare apologize for him.”

“Honestly, that happening… it gave me a sense of closure. Things between us always felt unfinished, and now, I know where he stands. And that’s okay. If there’s anything that I’ve learned through all of this, Mads, it’s that family is who you choose. It’s not just who is blood.”