Page 85 of Collision

“Yeah. My girl. Is that okay?”

I perch on the edge of the sink and press my fingers to my lips as my voice comes out on a whisper. “Yeah, it’s okay.”

“Good.” Ben chuckles and my chest tightens. “Now that’s covered, let’s circle back to your question. What do you want to tell him?”

“Everything.” The word is weighted and I am absolutely terrified of the truth behind it. I want to tell Max every single detail, from the moment I stumbled home to find him on my doorstep to waking up to him this morning. But telling him everything means telling him about Josh, and I realise - with a somewhat painful ache - that I want to tellsomeoneall of it.

Ben is silent on the other end of the line.

“Is that okay?”

“Mikaela.” He sighs and I close my eyes. “Of course it’s okay. I’m glad, actually, that you want to talk about it. It’s good.”

I sag with relief and listen to Ben breathing.



“Is it too much to say I miss you?” He sounds vulnerable and I smile to myself. “I hardly got to see you at all today.”

“The feeling is stupidly mutual, Haston.”

“Good.” There’s a light sound in his laugh and I cling to it.

“I should go.” I admit. “Have fun dodging questions about me tonight.”

Ben groans loudly as I pull out the sweats and t-shirt I’d brought with me.

“Enjoy talking about me all night,” he counters.

“I will.”

The silence stretches out between us and I find that I don’t want to stop the giggle that is bubbling in my chest.

“Goodbye, Ben.”

“Bye, Mik.”

Sephyshakesherheadas she leans forwards to refill my wine glass for the third time since I started my story and I focus on her as she moves.

She is beautiful. Her skin is a rich brown, lighter than her brother’s but beautiful in the depths of warmth in the tone. Her nose has a spattering of freckles, slightly deeper in their darkness than the rest of her face, and when she smiles - even with a hint of sadness - her eyes crinkle around the edges and both cheeks pucker with tiny dimples. Her hair, worn naturally in tight curls, frames her face with a softness that smooths her features into something entirely comforting.

When she turns to face me, she gives me a warm smile and lifts her glass to mine.

“To getting the fuck away from the bad guys.” She clinks our glasses together and glances towards Max.

His face is stone. Gone is his easy smile and his warm laugh. Gone is the playful glimmer in his eyes. It’s all cold now.

“Max?” I reach out to him and he takes my hand instinctively. “You okay?”

“I hate him, Mikaela.” His voice is broken and lifeless. “I hate him so much.”

“I know.” My chest aches for him. “But I’m glad it happened.”

“What?” He recoils from my words as his face contorts in confusion. “How can you be glad about that, Mik? Josh hurt you. Hereallyhurt you.”

I nod slowly as I glance to Sephy. She smiles in understanding and I swallow.