Page 74 of Collision

Chapter seventeen


Holy shit, this is going to blow up in our faces.

Mikaela sits on the edge of my desk, her skirt riding dangerously high against her bare thigh as she leans forwards, and twists to look through the figures I’m working on. Or trying to work on.In the ten minutes since she walked into my office I’ve managed to type exactly three things. Instead, I find my fingers dancing over the supple skin of her legs as we whisper about our plans and desperately ignore the danger of behaving so brazenly at work.

The blinds are closed and the door is shut, but Jamie is only next door and the room beyond the glass wall is filled with nosy employees who have to have noticed the increased visits Mikaela’s been making to my office over the last week. We’ve already almost been caught three times in the last five days, first by Jamie, who had a face of thunder for the rest of the day, and then twice by Max. We’re playing with fire, but neither of us seem to be able to stop.

“If we get out of here on time, we can meet at my place and maybe catch a late screening at the movies?” She brushes my fingers away from her thigh as I shift closer to her in my seat and take the chance to grab her hand and pull her off of the desk.

Now she’s standing between my legs I can hold her like I want to, placing my hands against the back of her thighs and leaning back in my chair to look up at her.

She laughs as she glances to the door and places her hands on my shoulders. “You’re going to get us caught, Ben.”

“Fuck it,” I joke, pulling her closer. “Let them catch us.”

She shakes her head and pulls away from me, moving her hands to where mine rest against her and removing my touch. We both know it’s too soon to tell anyone anything. We both know we’re floating in a heady sort of bliss that comes from sneaking around and neither of us are going to be ready to burst that bubble for a while.

She presses a quick kiss against my lips before pulling back. “Your rules, remember? Besides, I quite like this arrangement and I’d be sad if my brother killed you.”

I watch her as she moves to the other side of my desk. She went shopping this week and I had hated the evening I’d spent at home thinking about her, but now? I make a mental note to be a little nicer to Kingston because he’d convinced her to ditch the old outfits and this cream knit and tan skirt combo is driving me insane. The skirt sits just above her knee and hugs tight to her skin and as for the top... Every curve is accentuated and even though the turtle neck definitely screamsworkplace,the fit just screams. Yes. I need to be much, much nicer to her friend.

“So?” Her voice pulls me away from my wandering thoughts.

“So what?” I run my eyes over her again and she laughs as she shakes her head.

“Late screening? Whatever’s playing? We can sit in the back and make-out like teenagers?”

I grin at the thought and my dick responds with its own little show, forcing me to shift in my seat and try to picture anything else.

“While I love the sound of that - the last part in particular -” I lean back in my chair and gaze at her as her cheeks flush. “I have other plans tonight.”

Her face falls and I roll my eyes.

“With you, Mik. I have other plans with you.”

God, I could watch the smile that breaks over her face a thousand times and I wouldn’t tire of it. The way her eyes crinkle and her lips curl up to show the smallest dimple in her cheek. It’s ethereal.

“Really? What are we doing?” She’s practically bouncing with excitement.

“It’s top secret,” I tease. “Wear something comfortable.”

“Comfortable like eating takeout on the couch and watching Fresh Prince re-runs, or comfortable like you’re going to make me run? Because, I have news for you, I quit the whole running thing after our little incident. Not sure you noticed, but I really wasn’t very good at it.” She’s rambling like an idiot and I want to kiss her so much it actually hurts my chest.

“Comfortable like whatever makes you feel beautiful, Mik. And be ready by eight.”

The door pushes open and our heads snap to the entrance of my office, the smiles wiping from our faces as Jamie pushes into the space and glances between us both. Right now I make myself swear I’ll keep my hands off of her at work. If he had walked in just two minutes ago we’d have been caught.

“What have I walked in on?” Jamie looks over his sister in a detailed inspection and I hold my breath. Can he see the slight flush of her skin or the way she crosses her arms over her chest and holds her neck slightly? Did he clock the fact she glanced to me before turning on her most innocent smile and facing him fully?

“Ben has a meeting set for eight am. I told him I’d come in to minute it.”

Jamie scowls. “We don’t open until nine.”

Mikaela shrugs as she saunters to the door and I try to suppress a smile.

“What can I say?” She winks with a wicked grin. “The devil works hard, but Haston works harder. Or maybe he is the devil?”