Page 129 of Collision

Chapter thirty-two


This is like sitting under water. Like being submerged while the world keeps turning around me, conversations keep flowing, but I can’t hear them. They are nothing more than a distant hum echoing around me. Punctuated by a high pitched keening. It’s like breathing under water… I can’t.

My head is heavy. Too heavy. And my chest.Why is my chest so tight?

I try to move but the groan and crunch of something underneath me - no above me? both? - seems to intensify when I do.

Maybe if I can just get my phone?

Another shift.

Another scream in the world around me. Heat. There’s so much heat.

My head is spinning.

What was I doing?


My phone.

I need my…


I don’t know the voice.

And the heat is back.

It’s so hot. Am I sweating? No. That’s blood. I’m bleeding. But it’s running backwards. How? Or am I - I’m upside down. That makes sense.

I’m upside down and bleeding and it is warm.

And now someone is talking.

I can’t make out what they’re saying.

They seem far away. And I’m tired. So tired.

I still haven’t opened my eyes.

If I rest for a minute, I can get enough strength to shout or speak.

Or whisper.

I let myself slip and as I slip, I think only one thing.


“Sir.Canyoutellme your name?”

My hand moves to my face. There’s something covering my mouth. There’s a pressure in my chest.

I blink but all I can see is light. Too much light.

It had been getting darker. Right?