Page 102 of Collision

“Good morning.” He leans in slowly, trapping my lips beneath his as his hand rests against my waist, pulling me closer. “Sleep well?”

“Hmm.” I stretch beneath him, grinning. “Definitely.”

Pulling away from me and turning to the bedside unit, Ben laughs a little. I can see his cheeks pull up into a grin as I sit up behind him and run my hands over his shoulders, kissing his neck softly before leaning back and pulling the sheet over myself. He turns to face me with a small tray of fruit and coffee and places it between us both.

“What is all this?” I take the steaming mug he holds out to me in both hands and lift it to my lips.

“Breakfast, obviously.” His smile is infectious as he watches me, and I let myself sink into the comfort of this moment. “I was thinking.” He watches as I smile over the rim of my cup. “Maybe today we could just stay right here. Skip out on the world, just hide away here and -”

“Repeat certain elements of last night?” I wink at him from above my mug and laugh when he rolls his eyes.

“Maybe.” He takes a sip of his own coffee and leans back against the headboard.

Slowly, smirking as I place my coffee down onto the unit beside me and push the tray of fruit away, I shift closer to him. I giggle when Ben half-heartedly protests as I take the mug from his hands, leaning past him to put it down too, before pulling his shirt from my body and straddling him.

His hands move to my sides immediately and I shiver at the touch. Sitting here, wearing nothing, I feel beautiful. I feel beautiful when his eyes trace my lips and my throat, and travel down my body. I feel beautiful when his fingers dance over my skin, leaving trails of heat against me. I feel beautiful when his lips brush against mine and his tongue coaxes my mouth open. I feel beautiful when I am held by him.

Ben sighs as I wraps my arms around his neck, pushing my body against his as his hands grip my backside, and I smile against his lips.

Why the hell had we bothered with rule number one?


I have dreamed of what it might be like to be with Mikaela so many times in the last decade. I used to wonder if it would be awkward and nerve-wracking, just as it had been in all my failed attempts at relationships before her, just as I thought it always had to be, but it’s not. It’s simple and easy and normal.

Being with Mik feels normal.

“Just maybe?” She whispers as she twists her fingers in my hair.

“You’re killing me, Mik.” I groan as she wiggles against me, my body responding to her warmth and proximity with excruciating desire.

I flip her quickly, moving away from her and grabbing the tray balanced against the end of the bed - that can go on the floor for now - before digging in the bedside drawer for a condom and ripping my shorts off. Within no time I am crawling over her again, desperate to feel everything again.

Her eyes trace the shape of me as I lower myself over her, gently pushing her legs apart and I hold my breath. She smiles up at me as her hand moves to cup my face, stroking my cheek, skimming her fingers over my lips. My heart hammers as I gaze down at her.

As my lips brush against hers and I guide us together, the world melts away and I let it.