Page 27 of Collision

“It’s not you, Mikaela.” I can’t tear my eyes from her. “I just think I should go.”

Jamie pushes to stand up, shifting out from beside his sister, but I step aside quickly.

“I can see myself out.”

Mikaela nestles back into Jamie’s side and I slip away quietly, giving her the privacy she needs.


When the door closes and Ben is gone, a strange emptiness settles over me and Jamie runs his hand over my arm.

“You’ve gotta open yourself up to the idea that there are good men out there, Mik. Even after everything. Even when you’re scared.”

My eyes fix on the closed door. I know he’s right. There are good men out there.

I close my eyes for a moment and allow myself to think it all over. I had enjoyed the company when we first went for drinks and I think I was excited when he called me. I’d even found myself looking towards our date with eager anticipation earlier tonight. And Josh seems nice. Josh could be a good man.

He could be someone who would hold the door open for me, and carry my bag just because he wanted to. He could be kind and caring. He could be wonderful.

But, clawing away at any glimmer of excitement and hope, six little words gnaw at the edges of anything good. Six little words that haunt me:Matthew was wonderful, until he wasn’t.

“How was your night anyway?” I push away from Jamie and try to shake off the pain as I make my way to my room. Maybe I’ll try writing something. Or maybe I’ll start packing.

“You know.” Jamie sighs as he gets up to follow me, grabbing a roll of tape from the drawer in his coffee table and holding it out to me as if he’s asking a question. “Ben didn’t say much, but he never does when it comes to his dad.”