Page 119 of Collision

I look down to her and she’s staring up at me with the smallest smile, despite everything going on with her brother, and my heart is soaring.

“You do?” My face is aching from the width of my smile as I meet the burning intensity of her eyes.

She simply nods and for a moment I don’t care that Jamie is here. I don’t care that we’ve been caught. I don’t care that he hates me right now. I only care about one thing:Mikaela Wilcox loves me and I have never felt so much at once.

“Love!” Jamie barks an acidic laugh and Mikaela flinches. “Fucking hell, Mikaela. You sure know how to pick them.”

My skin bristles with his words.

This will go one of two ways: either Jamie is about to insult her again, which will, no doubt about it, end our friendship completely, or, Jamie is going to say something that he can’t take back that may well shatter the very strange, fragile surface their relationship has been skating on for the last year.

Either way, I need him to stop talking.Heneeds me to get him to stop talking.

“Jamie, don’t.” My tone is firm but my eyes are open books, pleading with him to stop.

“You love him, Mik?” He scoffs as he steps up to us, his chest practically against my own as he pushes me back again and glares down at her.

“Jamie.” I push back. Just slightly. Moving him away from her.

“Would you still love him if you knew he was lying to you, Mik? That he’s been lying to you all this time?”

Her fingers are gone and I can’t look at her. Not as Jamie floods the space with the one confession that could destroy it all; us, them, everything.