Page 40 of Jerk

Danny notices.

As this is also a secret part of my plan, I return the guy’s greeting with a nod of my own—plus a smirk for good measure—then return to my workout. I’m not looking at Danny, but I can feel every inch of him on fire as he stares at me.

Then I’m at the chest press machine, pushing for dear life, as Danny is bent over the bench of the leg curl machine, pumping his hamstrings. And with each rep, his tight, glorious ass keeps lifting slightly off of the bench, like a goddamned invitation, distracting me. Which muscle group is he targeting today? Is it leg and arm day for him? Or is he just using that machine to distract the fuck out of me? I clench my teeth and work out, my eyes trapped by the sight of his firm, flexing cheeks. When he finishes, he steps off the machine and glances my way—only I’m quicker and pretend to be staring off, bobbing my head to the music in my ears.

And I’m just in time for another pair of guys to walk past me, and both of them stop their chatting to look my way. One gives a little wave. I nod back, smirking as they strut by. I feel Danny’s eyes on me the whole time—which is the point—and I let him exude waves of jealousy as I pretend to check out those guys’ asses as they walk away.

It’s going to work, I keep insisting—even still.

Then we both end up at the water dispenser together, side-by-side. He gives me a smile. I return it with a cool one of my own before refilling my bottle from the machine. Some toned and slender guy comes behind me. I make a big show of noticing him checking out my ass, then grab my filled bottle and give him a wink as I walk off. Danny watches. If his expression was troubled earlier, it’s nothing compared to the near-panicked look in his sweet eyes now.

Is he wondering yet if his own plan to “take things slow” was a dumpster fire of a bad idea?

Especially considering all of the attention the ‘new me’ gets now.

A fuck-ton of attention the ‘old me’ certainly never got.

In time, I’m in the locker room changing out of my sweaty gym clothes. Jonathan is nearby trying to work out a knot in his shoelaces, when I notice Danny approaching a locker nearby. I give him his due attention—which is just a mild glance and a smile—before peeling off my shirt. Danny stares at my shirtless bod, perhaps taken aback by how much it’s changed in a year. Knowing I have his attention, I take my gym shirt and make a slow, nearly pornographic show of wiping the sweat off of my body. I dab under my pits. I rub the shirt down my front. I even start stretching my arms as if to work out a few kinks in my muscles, taking my sweet-ass time being shirtless and acting like I don’t notice Danny ogling me with a desperately thirsty look in his eyes.

Drink it in, stud.

“You have a good workout?”

I turn. Danny has come up to my side. He’s a total fucking vision himself—freshly pumped, veins in his slender biceps, hair slightly matted from his efforts. I can barely focus on his words.

But I do. I’m determined not to let a single drop of figurative drool fall from my lips. “Yep.”

“That’s great.” He appears uncomfortable for a second before adding, “I definitely noticed you get a lot of attention here at this gym.”

I smirk. “Yeah, happens all the time.”

“All the time?”

“Can’t help it if guys flock to me.” I shrug as I fetch my clean shirt out of the locker. “I’m sure you’re used to being noticed, yourself.”

“Well …” He chuckles again. His eyes are all over me. This has to be driving him crazy. “I guess I just never noticed them before.”

Of course not. You only concerned yourself with all of the eyes on me. “You never do.”

He lifts an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“You never seem to give yourself enough credit for how gorgeous you are.”

Then I freeze.

I didn’t mean to let that slip out.

“Anyway,” I quickly go on, talking over the sudden drumming of my heart—and the look Danny is giving me right now, “I gotta get home and take a shower.” I thrust my shirt on, slam shut the locker too fast, then sling my backpack over a shoulder. “See you around, Danny. Later, Jonathan.” I push through the doors of the locker room.

I barely reach the exit of the gym when I hear Danny call at my back. “Hey, Romeo?”

I stop and turn.

Danny comes up to me. His face scrunches up as he gathers his words. “So, uh, I was … There’s this thing …” He clears his throat, meets my eyes, and tries again. “I was wondering if you wanted to join me for this … little hangout thing I’m going to tomorrow night around eight-ish? Some of my coworkers are gathering at our boss’s place—this high-rise condo across town—for a few drinks, maybe a movie, or just hanging out and having fun. I never know what to expect at my boss’s place.” He laughs self-consciously, then lifts his eyebrows. “I hate going alone every time. I was … wondering if you’d like to be my plus-one.”