Page 44 of Jerk

I shrug to the tune of everyone continuing to laugh.

Everyone except Danny, who looks like he just swallowed a pineapple.

Especially when the guy next to me leans in, places his hand on my thigh, and says, “Oh my god, you are hilarious and handsome. Is this guy a unicorn or what?”

“Calm down there, Elliot,” says someone from behind the couch, clutching a bottle of beer. “You sound like you’re already halfway in bed with him.”

The pretty-faced guy next to me with short curls of sandy blond hair and a tanned complexion—Elliot, apparently—shrugs. “I can’t help it.” He fixes his eyes on me. “I like what I see.”

Knowing I have Danny’s undivided attention, I give this Elliot guy a suggestive smirk, pretending to be totally into the flattery.

Elliot turns to Danny suddenly, his curls bouncing. “Okay, thanks for bringing him for me, Danny, so sweet of you to remember my birthday gift a month late, I’ll go ahead and take Mr. Romeo home with me now to unwrap.” Everyone laughs at that, including Elliot himself, who nudges me with a bony elbow and adds, “Just kidding. I wouldn’t be so presumptuous. Or would I? No, really, just kidding.”

I doubt there’s a bone in his body that’s kidding at all.

Especially the one swelling in his too-tight pants.

“Denise!” calls a voice from the glass doors. “They’re playing your song!”

“Oh, oh, oh!” Denise is out of her chair. “I’m not missing it! Guys, c’mon in! Someone’s gotta dance with me!”

Before I know it, everyone is relocating inside, and I get pushed along with the crowd like driftwood caught in a current. I try to find Danny over my shoulder, but once again I’m lost among cheering faces, pumping fists, and noise. Some disco song I should know the name of vibrates the room at top volume, and everyone is going ballistic.

Elliot grabs hold of my hands and starts dancing next to me. I bob my head and move a little to the music as my eyes scan the crowd for any sign of Danny. “Baby, you’ve got smooth moves!” cries Elliot through the noise. I pretend I can’t hear him. “I like the way you dance! It’s so hot!”

I’m barely dancing. I suck at it.

This guy is just horny as fuck for me, bottom line.

Finally I spot Danny. He’s dancing with Denise, who looks positively in a trance as she flails her arms to the music. He glances my way, apparently knowing exactly where I am.

Now that I’ve got his attention, the plan snaps right back into place. I give him a smirk, then put my hands on Elliot’s hips and dance along with him, getting into it. I can see the visible sting of jealousy in Danny’s eyes. It’s so palpable, I can literally taste it like sour candy on my tongue.

It’s just a matter of time before he gives in, cuts through the crowd, and steals me away.

He’ll tell me no more friend bullshit.

He’ll tell me he wants me all to himself.

And I will be all for it.

But he hasn’t yet. And despite how cool I’m acting about it all, it’s frustrating. As Elliot gets more and more handsy—now practically grinding his hips against mine as we dance—I have to consider a few things. Danny isn’t a dumb guy. He must know deep down what I’m doing. I’ve been giving him so much suggestive eye contact tonight, we’ve practically already fucked. I’m playing up the “we’re just friends because Danny said so” bit, which is the world’s biggest smoke signal for saying “I actually want to be with Danny, but the cock-teasing bastard is keeping me at arm’s length”. Not to mention how rather obvious and forward I was during our date.

Being just friends and taking this at a glacial pace was his idea. Bringing me here was his idea. He knows exactly what I really want, yet isn’t making a move.

Is something else going on here?

Other than Elliot’s hand slowly inching its way to my ass.

As the song comes to an end, everyone cheers, and the next thing I know, I’ve lost sight of Danny. “One sec,” I say, cutting off something Elliot is telling me, and make my way through the crowd. I spot Danny slipping into the bathroom halfway down the hall, where I quickly make my way.

I open the door and let myself inside, shutting it behind me.

Danny has his pants unzipped when he spins around, startled by my arrival.

His pants drop to the floor.

I cross my arms and lean back against the door. “Well, this situation looks familiar. One of us caught with our pants down. The other fully clothed and enjoying it.”

Danny’s face turns red as he grabs his pants and pulls them back up. “I was trying to go to the bathroom.”

“Your underwear is sexy, by the way.”