Page 8 of Lady Boner

Her bottom lip sticks out into what is supposed to be a sexy pout. “You’re going to leave me out here? Are you sure I can’t tempt you to stay?”

She puts her hand on the waistband of my jeans. I put mine on top of hers before she can go lower. “You’re a beautiful woman, Isabella, and a man would be crazy to say no to you, but the woman I was hoping to meet is here.”

“Fine,” she huffs out a little breath, but she doesn’t really seem upset. “At least I can say I got one dance out of the sexy rock star, Asa Sharpe.”

I chuckle. “Who knows, maybe you’ll get two.”

I toss her a wink before I leave her behind. I zero in on Taylor still dancing with the guy. She can see me approach, and the closer I get, the more her smile fades. Probably because of the look on my face. I’m having a damn hard time not showing the irritation I’m feeling at the moment.

As soon as I step up to them, Taylor drops her arms from the guy’s shoulders.

“You mind if I cut in?” I ask, just to be polite. The caveman inside me says I’ll be cutting in whether they mind or not. This possessiveness inside me isn’t something I’ve felt before, but it’s strong enough that I can’t or won’t ignore it.

The guy eyes me for a moment. “Depends on if the lady minds.”

I turn my gaze to her and lift a brow. Mirth shines in her eyes. “I guess I don’t mind.” She looks back at the guy. “I’ll talk to you later, Kaden.”

“Later,” Kaden grunts before walking off.

I immediately move in and wrap her in my arms. Taylor looks up at me, her eyes still laughing as she rests her hands on my pecs. “Hi.”

My response is a grunt. I pull her closer until our pelvises are pressed together. And what do you know, my dick decides now to turn to stone. When Taylor feels it against her stomach, her eyes widen.

“Why didn’t you come say hi to me at the bar?” I ask, swaying us slowly to the soft beat of the music.

“Stalkers don’t approach their stalkees.”

“Stalkees?” My lips twitch.

She lifts a shoulder. “Or whatever you want to call it.”

“I’m pretty sure we’re past that. I know you follow me, and I’ve even given you permission to do so. Ignoring me when I know you’re there is pointless, isn’t it?”

Her expression turns thoughtful. “I don’t know. Maybe? I just figured you wouldn’t want me to approach you.”

I set my hands lower on her back until my fingers graze the top of her ass. Dropping my head, I run my nose up the soft curve of her neck. “You thought wrong,” I whisper, letting my lips slide over her ear. “I didn’t like seeing you with that guy. You’re my stalker. When you dance with someone, you dance with me. When you kiss someone, you kiss me. And when you fuck someone, that someone better be me.”

Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ve shocked us both. I have no clue where those words came from, but the moment they’re out of my mouth, I know them to be true. I don’t know a thing about this woman, other than the little bit I managed to get out of Penelope a couple of days ago. She could be seriously deranged. I mean, she’s fucking stalking me for Christ’s sake. There’s no telling what she’s capable of. But for some asinine reason, I don’t seem to care. I actually like that she’s fixated on me, which is stupid as fuck.

Taylor pulls her head back and her wide eyes meet mine. “Wait. What?” It’s cute how her voice comes out a squeak. “You can’t be serious.”

I grind my stiff cock against her stomach. “Does that feel serious enough to you?”

Heat flares in her gorgeous green eyes. “But why?”

A chuckle rumbles from me. “I have no fucking clue.”

She looks flustered and my eyes drop to her mouth when her tongue peeks out to run across her bottom lip. “You’re insane.”

“Says the girl who’s currently stalking me.” I run one of my hands up her side to the back of her neck, tugging her head closer as I dip mine down until our lips are nearly touching. “And why is it insane for me to be interested in you?”

Her eyes glaze and her breaths come out in little pants. The music switches to a faster one, but neither of us pay attention and continue to move slowly.

“Because I’m me and you’re Asa Sharpe.” She says it like it’s a foregone conclusion that I’d never be interested in her.

I push one of my legs between hers and without any prompting from me, she presses her pussy against it. I feel, rather than hear, her moan from my hand on her neck. Our mouths are so close that if one of us were to stick out our tongue, we’d meet the other’s lips.

“Don’t add stupid to your list of qualities, Taylor. You’re fucking gorgeous. Any man would have to be dead to not want you.”

Her lips curve into a breathtaking smile, and it’s that look that has me closing the very small distance between our mouths. Her lips part immediately when I press mine to hers. As I knew she would, she tastes fucking delicious; sweet like peaches and a hint of naughty. Our tongues dance, just as our bodies continue to move to the music.

I’m sure I could stay here just like this, with Taylor wrapped in my arms, our mouths moving as one, all night long, and I would be satisfied.

I’ve had hundreds of women in hundreds of ways, but I get more out of this simple kiss from my sexy stalker than I’ve gotten in years.

Maybe ever, my mind whispers.

A loud catcall behind me has me lifting my head from Taylor’s. I turn us both to find the culprit and spot a woman who looks eerily similar to Taylor standing on the edge of the dance floor, a big grin on her face. It’s not Penelope, so it has to be Camila or Harley.

“Which one is she?” I ask Taylor, dropping my eyes back to her.