Page 6 of Lady Boner

“What you were like. Where you worked. What your interests were.”


A little smile forms on my face as I look down at the pile of plates and silverware. Those questions sound awfully like he’s interested.

Holy shit.Can you imagine Asa Sharpe being interested in a person like me? It sounds ludicrous, even to myself. I mean, he could get any girl he wanted. Why in the hell would he be interested in me?


Penelope calling my name jerks me out of my fanciful musing.


When I turn to look at her, her expression is imploring. It’s a look I don’t see on my sister’s face often. I actually can’t remember the last time I saw it. Out of the four of us, Penelope is the most put together. She’s straight-laced, extremely committed to her job, a go-getter, and doesn’t put up with bullshit from anyone. She’s also very prideful, so to see anything other than confidence from her doesn’t feel right.

She walks to me, not stopping until only a couple of feet separate us.

“I’m asking you,” she starts in a low voice, “to please curb these impulsive tendencies when it comes to Asa. I get the fascination. Just please don’t do anything crazy.”

Her words hurt, but I don’t let them get to me. I really do understand her concern. I am a bit crazy when it comes to Asa. The man just brings out the nuttiness in me.

I grab Penelope’s hand and squeeze it. “Don’t worry, Pen. I won’t do anything to embarrass you.”

“Taylor—” she begins, her brows crunching. I cut her off.

“No. It’s okay. I get it.” I lift a shoulder. “I have an obsession, and I’m not afraid to admit it. I’ll tone it down.”

She looks doubtful, and I don’t blame her. The chance of me curbing my obsession is pretty much nonexistent, but I’m determined to not mess this deal up for my sister.

Leaning forward, she kisses my cheek. “Thank you,” she whispers in my ear before she leans back. “Now, let’s get this out there before they come storming in here to get it themselves.”

We smile at each other, and all is right between me and Penelope again.

At least for the moment.

* * *

It just so happens,that on my way home, I have to drive by Silver Lodge. I creep by slowly, immediately spotting Asa’s rented Tahoe in the parking lot. I’m tempted to pull over and sit for a while to see if he goes anywhere else. Then Penelope’s voice whispers in my ear, and I hit the gas instead. It’s eight at night, and since Asa’s been in Silver Falls, he’s usually in his hotel by now and doesn’t leave for the rest of the night. I know this because I have sat outside in the parking lot on a couple of occasions. I’m also good friends with one of the hotel staff who works the front desk, and she’s told me he doesn’t leave at night.

Ten minutes later, I’m closing my front door behind me and flipping the lock. The house is dark, so I turn on one of the lamps in the living room. The silence is deafening. I keep telling myself I’m going to get a dog, but I never follow through with it. It would be nice to come home to a cheerful puppy, happy to see me.

After grabbing a water bottle from the fridge, I go to my bedroom. Typically, this time at night, I’m in my home office catching up on work. I have my own graphic design business, and I’ve found my creative juices flow more at night. Right now though, I feel drained and want nothing more than to go to bed.

Piling my hair on top of my head so it doesn’t get wet, I take a quick shower. Once I’m out and in my bedroom, I grab the black Grey Water shirt I stole from Asa’s hotel room and slip it on. I put his boxer briefs on next. Both are big on me, but they're comfortable, and I swear if I sniff hard enough, I can still smell his cologne. Unfortunately, I had to wash them a couple of days ago because my dumb ass spilled my cereal milk on them.

Once I’m situated in my bed with all the lights off, except for my bedside lamp, I grab my phone from the nightstand and pull up a hidden folder with all my favorite pictures. Some people watch porn and some people look at nudie magazines. All I need to get my motor lubed and running are pictures of Asa Sharpe in leather pants, shirtless, and on stage with his guitar.

The tingles start in my belly, and I slip my fingers inside Asa’s briefs. I’ve claimed these briefs as mine, but I still like to refer to them as Asa’s. My pussy is already wet, so my fingers slide between the folds easily.

I swipe to the next picture. This one is of Asa once again with his shirt off. The tattoos covering his chest stand out and glisten from sweat. His head is tipped down, but still angled up enough that I see his face. His cheeks and chin are covered with delicious scruff and his shaggy, black hair is damp and falling in his face. The eight pack he’s carrying and the deep V that disappears into the waistband of his leathers make my mouth water.

My finger flicks over my clit, bringing a shudder throughout my body. I move my hand further down and push a couple fingers inside.

I move to another picture and this one has me gushing. He’s looking directly into the camera, a sexy and knowing smirk tipping up his lips. His guitar is strapped across his chest. He grips the neck of it, but his other hand is down by his side.

I don’t know what it is about this picture, but it’s one of my favorites. Maybe because I like to pretend it’s me he’s looking at.

My stomach flutters and a moan slips free. I shove in a third finger while using my thumb on my clit.

It takes no time at all before I’m panting and my toes curl against the sheets. Pictures of Asa, and my own naughty thoughts, always manage to get me off pretty quickly. My orgasm blasts through me, stealing my breath, and my back bows off the bed. With my eyes closed, I imagine Asa at the end of the bed, watching me come for him as he slides his hand up and down his thick cock.

I flutter my eyes open a moment later, and reality slams back inside me when I don’t see a figure at the end of my bed.

With a sigh, my body sinking back down into the mattress, I back out of my Asa folder and set my alarm. Cracking open my bottle of water, I take a swallow before setting it back down and curling onto my side. I hug my pillow and bury my face in the fluffiness, drifting off to sleep seconds later.