Page 4 of Lady Boner

Her question brings my gaze back up to hers. “Something tells me ignoring you would be a difficult task.” I shove my hands in my pockets. “You know this conversation is ridiculous, right?”

Another shoulder shrug. “So?”

I chuckle, shaking my head. “You know what? You do whatever you want. If that means following me around, have at it.”

The grin she gives me has my dick taking even more interest in the woman. A pair of dimples pop out on her cheeks and her beautiful, green eyes sparkle and crinkle at the corners.

“What’s your name?”


“Alrighty then, Taylor. I’m leaving now.” I pull my keys from my pocket. “You gonna follow me to my car?”


With another shake of my head, I turn around and leave the alley, hearing the clack of her shoes following me.

This whole situation is so fucking bizarre. But not an all-together bad bizarre, just a strange one. I’m not sure what to make of the woman behind me. Is she crazy? Or just uncharacteristically honest? Most people I deal with on a daily basis are liars and cheaters and are selfish. Willing to say or do anything to get what they want, no matter how it may affect others.

Taylor’s honesty is refreshing and welcome, even if she is a bit unhinged. I could do with some unusual in my life to break up the monotony.

As I approach my Tahoe, I look over my shoulder, finding Taylor about ten feet behind me. Opening the door, I turn back to her. “Where’s your car?”

She jerks her thumb behind her. “The silver Audi is mine.”

“You gonna follow me to my hotel too?”

“Nope.” She pops the p. “Don’t need to. I already know where you’re staying.”

I tilt my head. “What else do you know about me?”

“Pretty much everything there is to know.”

One corner of my mouth kicks up, and I prop my arm on top of the door. “You know you’re looney, right?”

She smiles, like she’s proud of her lunacy. “I’ve been called worse.”

She watches, her eyes intent on me, as I get in my SUV. I’ve had many people look at me with lust, jealousy, worship, anger, and many other emotions. But Taylor’s eyes hold something different. Yes, there’s lust there, and even worship, but there’s more. It’s something I can’t quite put my finger on. I just know it’s a look I’ve never seen before.

Neither one of us says anything else as I climb inside my Tahoe, and I close the door. She gives me a cheery wave as I pull away from the curb. I keep her in my sights through my rearview mirror, and not once does she look away. Her body turns to follow me until I round a corner.

Chuckling to myself and wondering what in the hell just happened, I head toward my hotel.