Page 22 of Anywhere With You

“I love that about you. You’re so loyal, and you take good care of him. Well, your whole family, really.”

He kept his focus on his food, but his fork shifted things around, and he wasn’t eating.

She knew from her own experience that he’d never get in touch with what was brewing in his subconscious if she kept blabbering at him. So, she let him get back to his lyrics. They finished their meal in the quiet hum of the bus.

“Since you served, I’ll do clean up.” She grabbed their plates.

“You sure?”

“Positive. Now go. Work in the lounge or something.” He needed space. She’d give it to him.

But as she washed their forks, she listened to his mounting frustration. He’d catch a groove with his strumming, then abruptly stop. He’d sing a line over and over, and then curse.

It was killing her to do nothing, but what did she know about writing a song? She had nothing to offer. She headed up the stairs to get ready for bed. As she passed the lounge, she heard him singing.

Baby, you know, it’s just not our time,

Baby, you know what’s coming down the line.

I’m gonna walk out that door, I’m not coming back

And tomorrow I’ll wake up—

“Motherfucker.” Something slammed against the wall.

“Okay, that’s it.” She climbed back down the stairs and threw the door open. “You’re done. Give me that damn guitar.”