
Sabina descended into the Great Hall with the attitude born of a queen. Her head held high, she stood on the last step so that all might view her beauty. She waited in silence with the hope one gallant knight would come to her, offer his arm, and escort her to break her fast. The longer she lingered, the more agitated she became, knowing that none, including Sir Hugh, would extend such a service.

The hall itself was swarming with men who consumed their food with gusto and those who trained hard and had empty stomachs to fill. ’Twas apparent a majority of Dristan’s original army had departed for places unknown to her. Mayhap with their purses full of coin, they traveled elsewhere now that the battle had been won for England. They had been mere mercenaries and of no worth and, as such, were beneath her. She cared little of what had become of them.

Her gaze drifted to the high table where Dristan sat upon the raised dais as if he held court. His captain, Riorden, was placed to his right along with several of his closest guardsmen. Amiria sat to his left along with Lynet and Patrick. A lone chair sat empty that she assumed was meant for her. Since food was already laid out afore them, ’twas evident they would not wait for her arrival afore they decided to partake of their meal.

With narrow eyes and a troubled frown across her brow, Sabina continued her observation of Dristan and Amiria as they ate. Just look at them, she thought furiously. They sit as if they were in truth already wed. She inwardly snarled whilst Dristan offered her sister the choicest meat from the trencher they shared. With a flick of his wrist, a servant rushed to fill the chalice of wine held in his hand. Dristan took a small sip then turned the chalice towards Amiria. A lover’s gesture, Sabina reflected with a scowl. With a small smile, Amiria placed her lips where her lords had just a moment afore been pressed, as she, too, partook of the heady wine. Disgusted with their affectionate display, Sabina could watch no longer and looked upon the hall to see what else might intrigue her.

Sir Hugh sat with a group of men at one of the lower tables and although she attempted to catch his gaze, he continued his conversation as if he did not see her gesture for him to join her. Feeling slighted, Sabina began to wonder if mayhap she had erred by bestowing this particular knight with the gift of her virginity. ’Twas not as if he had been gentle with its taking or any other time he had bedded her. Still, he seemed to be the best of what this hall of late had to offer, with the exception of Lord Dristan.

As her gaze continued to sweep the large smoky room, she looked upon one of the tables near the kitchen and espied Amiria’s guardsmen. Now here is something to briefly hold my interest, she thought wryly. One lone knight in particular did not eat his fill of the food placed afore him. Nay! He, too, had eyes for only one individual within the hall. From the stern look upon his face, he was none too pleased whilst he watched Amiria’s movements.

Sabina began to weave her way across the filthy rushed covered floor, not that she cared the silk slippers she wore would be ruined beyond repair. They were, after all, Amiria’s, so why should she bother to worry about their care. Coming up behind Ian, she felt him flinch when she placed her hands upon his shoulders and leaned down to whisper in his ear.

“She makes a spectacle of herself, does she not, Sir Ian?” she questioned him snidely whilst she planted the small seed to take root inside his head.

“You are not to judge her, Lady Sabina,” Ian replied through clenched teeth, apparently guessing at her ploy.

“She will be with him again tonight in his chamber, Ian. Mark my words ’twill be so!” Sabina gave a short laugh. Moving her hand across his shoulders in a slight caress, she left his side.

Her work done with Amiria’s captain, she walked with swaying hips through the middle of the hall, knowing that all male eyes watched her every move. Sabina saw how Dristan watched her most intently and smiled towards him regardless of the frown he bestowed upon her. She watched in fascination when he crooked his finger, beckoning her to his side. Now this is most promising, she thought.

“You asked for me, my lord?” Sabina said quietly, bowing her head ever so slightly.

Dristan’s perusal swept around his hall and apparently, he did not like what he saw. “Is there perchance something wrong with the victuals served here in my hall, Lady Sabina, which causes you to be late?” he questioned irritably.

“Nay, my lord.”

“The company then,” he proposed. “You do not care to break bread in my presence?”

“Again, I say you nay.”

“Then take your place at my table and do not be late again or you shall forego eating ’til the next meal is set,” he exclaimed smartly. Dristan beckoned to her once again and she made her way to his side behind the table. He turned in his chair to face her, clearly showing his displeasure. “The keys to the keep, Lady Sabina,” he said, holding out his hand. “’Tis clear you require further instruction on how it should be properly run.”

“As you will, my lord,” Sabina said quietly. She undid the link from about her hips with fury raging within her. A quick look about the hall gave evidence everyone had witnessed her mortification and disgrace. Any power she had held, however briefly, was gone when Dristan now handed those same set of keys to Amiria.

“You would do well to listen and learn from your sister,” he ordered, giving her a nod towards the vacant chair.

Sabina realized she was dismissed since Dristan turned his attention to the conversation going on with his men. As she made her way passed Amiria, her jealousy got the best of her and she leaned down to whisper in her sibling’s ear.

“Looks to me like ’tis you, dear sister, who has become his whore,” she taunted.

Sabina took her place and watched in satisfaction whilst all color drained from Amiria’s face. As she began to eat her fill, she saw that where once Amiria had enjoyed her evening, it now appeared Sabina’s work was done at the high table, as well. Even Dristan could no longer coax a smile upon her sister’s face. Ah yes, she pondered snidely to herself. Sometimes ’tis indeed the small things in life that gives one cause to smile and brings so much pleasure. You just have to pause and savor such a moment whilst it lasts.

Hugh waved to a serving wench, who rapidly came and poured more mead into his empty cup. In return, his hand reached out giving her bottom a hard squeeze. With a squeak, the girl rushed off towards the kitchens and Hugh returned his attention to gaze on the beauty of the woman who sat not far from him. He continued to watch and wait, although he was unsure if what he had been waiting for would come sooner rather than later.

As if he had willed it, the door to the keep burst open and a messenger rushed to Dristan’s side. Wait for it, Hugh thought, watching in disguised amusement as Dristan listened to the lad’s words.

Hugh did not have to tarry long for Dristan’s reaction. After reading the missive, Dristan immediately rose, shouting for his men to mount up to ride to one of the villages under his care. Hugh knew ’twould not matter how hard and fast the army rode, for there would not be much left for Dristan to save once he arrived. ’Twas interesting though that he planned on taking Amiria’s guardsmen with him, leaving the girl most vulnerable. Hugh had not thought Dristan would be so careless, but ’twould be to his advantage. Hugh cared only that he was left behind.

Keeping his eyes upon Amiria, Hugh watched in amusement when Dristan leaned down to have speech with her and she shied away from his touch. Dristan threw up his hands, downed what remained in his chalice, and stomped from the keep, firmly slamming the portal closed behind him.

Vastly pleased, Hugh took a long draught of his drink and wrung his hands together in anticipation. Perchance this was going to be much easier than he thought.