
Sabina sat on the fallen oak log, swinging her bare feet back and forth and enjoying the bit of sunshine finally gracing the land. In her hand she held a clear glass bauble recently given to her as a gift from her brave and mighty knight. It had been strung into a necklace with blue and green beads, and she marveled at the reflections shining from it as the sunlight came to rest upon it. She hoped this would be the first of many such treasures to come from time alone with an attractive knight of the realm.

A nearby splash from the river caused her to look up as Hugh rose from the water. He was not as handsome as Dristan but he was still easy on the eyes. His blonde hair hung down around his shoulders and fell across his forehead. Sabina had a most urgent desire to drag her fingers within its length as she brought his head closer so she could eagerly savor his kiss.

Her greedy and hungry eyes took in his naked torso and the muscles that bulged from his arms and chest. Indeed he was a fine specimen of male ruggedness with a stride of someone who was confident in his desires. She knew those desires included her. Such was the pride she had in herself for she was aware of her worth as a daughter of the MacLaren clan. She had no doubt of her worth that included a huge dowry and any man would be lucky if she but graced their company.

Hugh came to stand afore her, and although she tried to read his thoughts in his dark brown eyes, she became confused by the look of disinterest in his features. Sabina gave him a smile that surely was seductive, but watching the frown appear on his brow caused her yet another pause. Surely he wants me as much as I want him, she thought haughtily. Jumping down from the log she perched upon, she went to wrap her arms lovingly around his neck only to have her hands slapped away as if she were naught but an annoying bug to be squashed beneath one’s feet. Afore she could voice her concern, he spoke harshly, causing her to grimace in uncertainty.

“Why is it you follow me? Did I not satisfy you enough last eve?”

“I but missed your company, Sir Hugh,” Sabina said huskily.

“Bah, you do not know me well enough if you think I will believe such drivel after a few brief romps in the stables.”

Sabina gave him what she hoped was a brazen stare and licked her lips in a silent invitation, causing his brow to rise in question. “Perchance now is as good a time as any to remedy the situation between us.”  She took a hesitant step forward, not knowing if he would reject her offerings. When he remained calmly looking down his nose at her, she timidly placed her arms around his neck and leaned the length of her body against his. His reaction was instantaneous. Encouraged by what she felt growing beneath her skirts, she nuzzled his neck in response to his growing desire for her.

“My, you are such a lusty wench aren’t you, my pretty?” Hugh replied whilst his hand roamed at will up her thigh beneath her gown. He cupped her buttocks and her moan caused him to chuckle. She had a moment’s hesitation that perchance she gave herself too cheaply ’til he pressed his manhood against her. ’Twas her undoing as she remembered their night together and the pleasure she had found in his arms.

Her thoughts racing ahead to finding herself wed to a knight of the king, she was startled when Hugh grabbed her none too gently and backed her up against the solid trunk of a nearby tree. He tore at her bodice and she listened at the near deafening sound whilst the garment ripped beneath his questing fingers. Delving further beneath the fabric, he grabbed at her breasts, painfully pinching the nipples. A started gasp escaped her but she was not sure whether ’twas from discomfort or pleasure for the two were so closely related.

Pleasure quickly turned to pain. Sabina cried out when the abrasive bark from the tree tore into her flesh as Hugh continued his assault on her body. She called his name, asking him to stop. He dismissed her plea and only continued his pursuit to shed her of her garments. She heard him begin to mumble. Her ears strained to hear his words that sounded almost as if he were speaking of Amiria. She gave a brief laugh and held onto his head as he began to nuzzle her breasts. She must have been mistaken. Hugh was hers and hers alone, and no one would come between them especially her sister!

’Twas not ’til Hugh heard the distant rumbling of approaching horses that he finally raised his head, eyes glazed over. His vision of the beautiful red haired vixen promptly vanished to be replaced by the unremarkable and harsh features of a crow. He made no attempt to hide the look of disappointment when his eyes fell upon Sabina.

“Dress yourself, lest you wish to offer your services to my army,” he scoffed, adjusting his hose and giving the wench no further thought.

Hugh retrieved his tunic from the ground and continued dressing. He had just fastened his sword about his waist when a group of men advanced. A sly smile lit his features. He went to meet them, further distancing himself from Sabina so she would not overhear their speech.

Hugh approached the leader, who jumped down from his steed. Each stood facing the other as if unsure if they should be reaching for their swords. Hugh continued to view the chap afore him, who was of similar height and coloring. They resembled each other so much that they could have been brothers.

In unison, they both gave a short laugh and quickly embraced in a fierce hug. “’Tis good to see you this far north, especially in this God forsaken country full of Scottish swine. Since you are here, I assume you received my missive?” Hugh exclaimed in delight that his plans could now move forward.

Gilbert of Windermere gave his cousin a hard slap on the back. “All business I see, as usual Hugh. Some things do not change even with time.”

“You have assembled more men than I had thought possible on such short notice. They are not averse to wreaking some havoc on the countryside I hope?”

“You of all people should know, as a hired mercenary myself, I work for what you will pay me. The men will expect the same,” Gilbert answered smugly. “They care not what the job entails, so long as they have enough coin in their pockets and a willing or unwilling wench to service their needs.”

“See to business first, cousin, and then you may worry about what crawls between their legs for their pleasure.”

Gilbert gave a mighty laugh, slapping Hugh heartily once more on his back. He looked over his cousin’s shoulder to see Sabina, adjusting her clothing. “I see you have been busy, as well, this day. Hopefully, you will not leave a brat in her belly as you did with that countess in France. I think I can still hear her shriek of outrage that you would not wed her.”

“By God’s bones . . . she was not worth the trouble, especially after I found out her father had lost her dowry and family fortune from gambling debts,” Hugh answered with a short laugh. “How ironic that a lot of their fortune still ended up in my purse which is now funding this little excursion.”

“So what is the story of the wench there?”

Hugh turned and gave but the briefest of glances towards Sabina afore giving his full attention back to his kin. “She’s the old lord’s daughter, or at least one of them. She shall serve my purpose for the time being, but she is not the prize I am after.”

“You always did go after what was beyond your reach during every siege, Hugh. This one must have cost you dearly if you have sent for me to aid you.”

Hugh thought on Gilbert’s words afore answering, and yet his anger rose when he thought of the humiliation he had suffered at the hands of the Devil’s Dragon. “Do not test my temper, cousin, as you may not like the results,” he warned.

“I see I have hit a sore spot in your armor,” Gilbert snidely replied. “Tell me, what is the merit of such a prize that had you so urgently requesting my assistance? Surely the wealth must be great that you will make this trip worth my while.”

Hugh glared meaningfully at his cousin. “The castle should have been mine.”

“Again, Hugh, you seek that which is not yours, especially given the fact you must serve Dristan of Blackmore,” Gilbert said casually. “Did you not learn your lesson in France?”

“Damn you to hell, cousin! Do not remind me that I am but a vassal to that man!”

Gilbert continued with a wave of his hand as if he had not heard Hugh’s words. “Besides, Berwyck Castle is but a pile of stones far removed from the wonderful delights London has to offer that I know you so enjoy.”

“You would not scoff away my words so easily, Gilbert, if you but knew how long it has been since I’ve had the leisure to tarry in London for my pleasure,” Hugh declared loudly. “’Twas by my blood, sweat, and the steel I carried that won this land for king and country.”

“You know the way these things work Hugh. The castle and lands were destined to be held by Dristan for he is King Henry’s champion. Come now and tell me you but jest when you say the lands should be yours?”

“Two fortnights of living in the muck and hacking away with my blade at worthless Scots, and what thanks did I receive for my victory?” Hugh bellowed to himself. “I shall tell you what my reward was and what it earned me; a trip to the stables to muck away manure like the lowest stable lad, time in a foul watery pit with creatures crawling at my feet, and twenty lashes ’til my back was raw and fever raged within my body! I earned this land, and I shall claim it as mine! I will have my revenge and to hell with Dristan of Blackmore!”

“You speak bravely now Hugh, but I would not attempt to declare ownership of anything once it has been claimed by the Devil’s Dragon.”

“Bah, the king has yet to venture here to award the lands to that beast,” Hugh said viciously.

Gilbert gave a short laugh. “The king is a busy man. Think you he will travel this far north to publicly award Dristan these lands? I tell you now, Hugh, forget about the madness of your greed and leave here with us. We shall travel back yonder to France to enjoy what life has to offer there and indulge in all its pleasantries!”

Hugh could only stare at his cousin as if he had lost what little sense his dame had given him. “Leave here and lose favor with the king? Nay Gilbert, I cannot for I should like to keep my head firmly attached to my shoulders. Besides there is more to this than just a pile of stones, as you so call it, and afterwards I shall still remain loyal to the crown.”

“Please tell me a woman is not involved with this plot of yours!” Gilbert snorted snidely. Hugh cast him a look and his cousin had his answer. “Nay, tell me ’tis not so . . . not again!”

“She is a prize above all others, including the lands. ’Tis just convenient she comes with the castle as its ward,” Hugh conceded.

“Then her care will be determined by Lord Dristan and hence the girl will be unattainable to a mere knight of the realm,” Gilbert said, hoping to convince Hugh of his logic. “Forget the wench! There is always a willing whore who can see to your needs.”

“She is no whore so watch your words when you speak of her thusly!” Hugh warned menacingly.

Gilbert held his hand up, backing down from the fight that was but a word away. “Then if she be a lady from the keep, she now belongs to Lord Dristan and as such is beyond your reach,” he declared logically.

“She cannot belong to him, however, if he is dead, now can she?” Hugh smirked knowingly as he watched his cousin come to terms with his words. “Come. Let me tell you of my plan and how we shall proceed in claiming my new lands.”

Hugh began to weave his plot and smiled at his cleverness. ’Twas only a matter of time afore he would claim Berwyck Castle as his very own!

Sabina watched as Hugh and the newcomer knelt on the ground whilst Hugh began to draw something in the dirt at their feet. They began to laugh and as they rose, Hugh tossed the stick he had used up into the air and caught it with a gleeful smile set upon his face. Sabina wondered how her knight had gathered the small army she saw in the distance for ’twas not a common practice when one was a soldier to another.

With a worried look upon her brow, Sabina gathered up her cloak and necklace and made for her horse she had left standing near the river. As she mounted her mare, she only gave one brief glance at the men now surrounding Hugh and decided she would worry about what they discussed another day. After all, it had turned out to be too glorious a morning to be wasting her time on such trivial matters of what mere men had on their minds. She had more important issues to think about, relating to her future.

With one last look upon her lover, Sabina kicked her horse into motion and began to softly hum a tune as she made her way to the castle. Bringing her horse to a full gallop, she began to consider all the ways she might begin to please her knight come the eve and earn his undying love and devotion. She could almost see him now on bended knee, begging her to be his bride with all his adoration for her shining in his beautiful dark eyes.

Sabina would have been devastated with the knowledge that Hugh had not given her a further thought the remainder for the day. Instead, he was even now scheming of ways to have Amiria as lady of his hall and, more importantly, in his bed.